Translation of "Scraped" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Scraped" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Tom fell and scraped his knee.

Tom se cayó y se raspó la rodilla.

The boy fell and scraped his knee.

El niño se cayó y se raspó la rodilla.

He scraped his knee in a fall.

Él se raspó la rodilla en una caída.

I scraped my knee on the fence.

Me raspé la rodilla en la cerca.

José fell, but he only scraped his knee.

José se cayó, pero solo se peló la rodilla.

When fine plasters were scraped, magnificent artifacts appeared from gold.

Cuando se rasparon finos yesos, aparecieron magníficos artefactos de oro.

Today, I'm analyzing the moss samples I scraped from the cave's rocks.

Hoy estoy analizando las muestras de musgo que raspé de las rocas de las cuevas.