Translation of "Regrets" in Spanish

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Regrets" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I've had no regrets.

No me arrepiento.

Tom has many regrets.

Tom tiene muchos remordimientos.

Tom has no regrets.

Tom no tiene arrepentimientos.

Marc regrets his mistake.

Marc se arrepiente de su error.

I have no regrets.

No tengo remordimientos.

He regrets having been lazy.

Él lamenta haber sido perezoso.

He regrets what he did.

- Se arrepiente de lo que hizo.
- Lamenta lo que hizo.

Tom regrets what he did.

Tom lamenta lo que hizo.

She regrets having never been there.

Ella se arrepiente de nunca haber ido ahí.

Tom already regrets what he did.

Tom ya está arrepentido por lo que hizo.

He regrets having been idle when young.

Lamenta haber sido vago cuando era joven.

She regrets having been rude to you.

Ella lamenta haber sido maleducada contigo.

Tom regrets having been rude to Mary.

Tom está arrepentido de haber sido grosero con Mary.

Tom regrets having introduced Mary to John.

Tom lamenta haberle presentado a Mary a John.

Tom says he doesn't have any regrets.

Tom dice que no se arrepiente de nada.

He regrets not having worked harder at school.

Él se arrepiente de no haber dado todo lo que podía en la escuela.

I have no regrets about what I did.

No me arrepiento de nada de lo que hice.

I'll do my best to have no regrets.

Me esfuerzo en no tener nada de lo que me arrepienta.

The only thing one never regrets are one's mistakes.

Lo único de lo que uno nunca se arrepiente es de sus propios errores.

Tom regrets the decision he made late last night.

Tom se arrepiente de la decisión que hizo anoche.

- I have no regrets.
- I don't regret a thing.
- I regret nothing.
- I don't have any regrets.
- I don't regret anything.

- No tengo remordimientos.
- No me arrepiento de nada.

He regrets having neglected his studies in his school days.

Él se arrepiente de no haber estudiado en sus años de escuela.

All that was left to our country were regrets and miseries.

No quedaron para nuestro país sino lamentos y miserias.

Many people have regrets after the death of a friend or relative.

Muchas personas se quedan con remordimiento después de la muerte de un amigo o un familiar cercano.

Whoever says that they have no regrets actually says: "I'm a fool."

Quien dice que no tiene arrepentimientos dice de hecho: -Soy un pendejo.

Brian regrets starting a relationship with her and wants to escape from her.

Brian se arrepiente de haber empezado una relación amorosa con ella y quiere escapar.

- This is no time for regrets.
- This is no time to be sorry.

No es momento para arrepentirse.

And by the end of the very first week, I knew I'd have no regrets.

y al final de la primera semana, sabía que no tendría remordimientos.

He had no regrets about his assignment, telling reporters that he was going 99.9% of the way

No se arrepintió de su asignación y les dijo a los periodistas que iba al 99,9% del camino

If I'm going to have a wedding ceremony, I want it to be the best ever so I have no regrets!

Si voy a celebrar una boda, quiero que sea la mejor de la historia para no arrepentirme.

- Truthfully, if I'd said I didn't have any regrets over my snap decision I'd have been lying.
- To be honest, I would lie, if I said that I have never regretted my sudden decisions.
- Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I never regret my sudden decisions.

Honestamente, yo estaría mintiendo si dijera que nunca me arrepentiría de mis decisiones rápidas.