Translation of "Peck" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Peck" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

One crow doesn't peck another's eye.

Diablo no come diablo.

Raise crows and they'll peck your eyes out.

Cría cuervos, y te sacan los ojos.

He gave her a peck on the cheek.

Él la besó en la mejilla.

- One crow doesn't peck another's eye.
- A wolf doesn't bite a wolf.

- Un lobo no muerde a otro lobo.
- Entre bueyes no hay cornadas.

Woodpeckers peck tree trunks with their long pointed beaks and eat insects found there.

Los pájaros carpinteros picotean troncos de árboles con sus largos y puntiagudos picos y comen los insectos que encuentran ahí.