Translation of "Nervously" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Nervously" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He laughed nervously.

Él se ríe nerviosamente.

Annie ate nervously.

Annie comió nerviosamente.

Mary giggled nervously.

A Mary le entró una risita nerviosa.

The villagers watch you nervously as you enter.

Los aldeanos los observan nerviosos cuando entran.

She waited nervously for his anger to subside.

Ella espero nerviosamente a que su ira se calmara.

The staff at Mission Control waited nervously for news.

El personal de Mission Control esperaba nerviosamente noticias.

I just sat there, staring at the ground laughing nervously,

Me senté ahí, mirando al suelo y riéndome de forma nerviosa.

As his lips got bluer, I nervously waited for the ambulance.

Esperaba ansiosamente a la ambulancia mientras sus labios se ponían azules.