Translation of "Ignoring" in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Ignoring" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- We are ignoring you.
- We're ignoring you.

Te estamos ignorando.

They're ignoring us.

Nos están ignorando.

They're ignoring me.

- No me hacen caso.
- Ellos me ignoran.

You're ignoring me.

Me estás ignorando.

We're ignoring Tom.

Estamos ignorando a Tom.

I wasn't ignoring you.

No te estaba ignorando.

I'm not ignoring you.

No estoy ignorándote.

Tom isn't ignoring you.

Tom no la ignorará.

Tom is ignoring you.

Tom te está ignorando.

Why are you ignoring me?

¿Por qué me estás ignorando?

- He ignores me.
- He's ignoring me.

Me ignora.

Why have you been ignoring me?

¿Por qué me has estado ignorando?

- Why do you ignore me?
- Why are you ignoring me?
- Why have you been ignoring me?

¿Por qué me ignoras?

He exasperated Napoleon by twice ignoring orders.

, exasperó a Napoleón al ignorar dos veces las órdenes.

Tom has been ignoring Mary all day.

Tom ha estado ignorando a Mary todo el día.

And by ignoring huge amounts of relevant science.

y de ignorar grandes cantidades de ciencia relevante.

Ignoring get you a whole way out there.

Ignorar te lleva por ese mismo camino.

That he was right in ignoring the suffering woman,

pensando que ignorar el sufrimiento de la mujer era lo correcto,

I was living carelessly, ignoring my health, my career,

Vivía sin cuidado, desatendía mi salud, mi carrera,

- They're ignoring me.
- They don't pay attention to me.

No me prestan atención.

The bad news is that ignoring the performance of people

La mala noticia es que, ignorar el desempeño de las personas

The World Cup, like many other things in life, has a habit of ignoring the laws of fairness.

La Copa del Mundo, como muchas otras cosas en la vida, tiene el hábito de ignorar las leyes de la justicia.

The eyes themselves can become selective, ignoring part of what is there, and the brain sometimes insists on seeing things that don't exist at all.

Los ojos pueden volverse selectivos, ignorando parte de lo que hay, y el cerebro a veces insiste en ver cosas que no existen en absoluto.