Translation of "Housed" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Housed" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

"Council housed and violent"

"violento que vive en vivienda municipal"

The flood victims were housed in several schools.

Las víctimas de la inundación fueron alojadas en varios colegios.

Try to work through this idea of how knowledge is housed.

trata de explorar esta idea de dónde está alojado el conocimiento.

[Lyrics] Oi, look there's a chav. That means council housed and violent.

♪ Oi, ven que hay un "chav". Seguro vive en una vivienda social y es violento. ♪

It's housed in a really hard skull that has many sharp, bony ridges,

que está cubierto por un cráneo duro y con salientes afilados,