Translation of "Furious  " in Spanish

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Examples of using "Furious  " in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Tom is furious.
- Tom's furious.

Tom está furioso.

- He became furious.
- He got furious.

Se enfureció.

I'm furious.

Estoy furioso.

I'm furious!

¡Estoy indignada!

- Tom is furious.
- Tom's frantic.
- Tom's furious.

Tom está furioso.

I was furious.

Estaba furioso.

Tom was furious.

Tom se había enfadado.

Are you furious?

¿Estás furioso?

I'm absolutely furious.

Estoy totalmente furioso.

He became furious.

Se puso como una fiera.

Republicans were furious.

Los republicanos estaban furiosos.

His parents were furious.

Sus padres estaban furiosos.

My parents were furious.

Mis padres estaban furiosos.

The governor was furious.

El gobernador estaba furioso.

My mother was furious.

Mi madre estaba furiosa.

President Roosevelt was furious.

El presidente Roosevelt estaba furioso.

My mother is furious.

Mi madre está furiosa.

It makes me furious.

Esto me enfurece.

- I was furious.
- I was angry.

Estaba furioso.

Tom must be furious with Mary.

Tom debe estar furioso con Mary.

- Are you angry?
- Are you furious?

¿Estás furioso?

- She got angry.
- She got furious.

- Ella se enfadó.
- Ella se enojó.
- Se enfadó.
- Se enojó.

Napoleon was furious that Kutuzov had escaped.

Napoleón estaba furioso porque Kutuzov había escapado.

Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.

Aunque él se disculpó, aún estoy enojada.

Tom had never seen Mary so furious.

Tom nunca había visto a Mary tan furiosa.

- I'm angry!
- I'm furious!
- I'm pissed off!

¡Estoy indignada!

- I was furious.
- I was extremely angry.

Estaba furioso.

Because your wife is absolutely furious with you,

porque tu esposa está furiosísima contigo

The senator remained neutral in the furious controversy.

El senador permaneció neutral en medio de la feroz controversia.

When I told him that, he got furious.

Cuando se lo dije echó chispas.

Furious, he picked up a  scaling ladder and shouted,  

Furioso, tomó una escalera y gritó:

- I got mad.
- I got angry.
- I got furious.

Me enfadé.

Tom is going to be furious if you win.

- Tom se va a poner furioso si ganas
- Tom se pondrá furioso si ganas

Adam was furious with me when I broke his watch.

Adam se enfadó conmigo cuando le rompí el reloj.

Should he hear of your marriage, he will be furious.

Si él llegase a escuchar de tu casamiento se, se enojaría muchísimo.

I was furious when I saw a newspaper headline today.

Me puse furioso cuando vi un titular de periodico hoy.

Our latest results are the fruit of his furious efforts.

Nuestros últimos resultados son el fruto de su frenético esfuerzo.

I was furious; but I stopped and I said to myself,

Estaba furioso, pero me detuve y pensé,

Their conduct. He was furious to discover  these assurances would not be honoured.  

their conduct. He was furious to discover these assurances would not be honoured.

Tom was furious, but he tempered his language because there were children present.

Tom estaba indignado, pero contuvo su voz. Había niños en el lugar.

A furious Napoleon remarked “Ney knows less about soldiering than the last-joined drummer

Un Napoleón furioso comentó: "Ney sabe menos de soldado que el último baterista que se incorporó

This news made Al-Sayib so furious that he once more spilled his Fanta.

Esta noticia le puso a Al-Sayib tan furioso que otra vez derramó su Fanta.

Needless to say, by 1460 the Saxon establishment in Transylvania is furious, but their bitter

No hace falta decir que, para 1460 el establecimiento sajón en Transilvania está furioso, pero sus amargas

Close to success. He was furious the next  day when King Joseph and Marshal Jourdan  

cerca del éxito. Estaba furioso al día siguiente cuando el rey José y el mariscal Jourdan se

A furious elephant kicks out the fencing of his enclosure and sends the keeper flying.

Un elefante furioso da un coce fuerte a la cerca de su corral y deja su guarda volando por los aires.

With General Suchet’s division in the lead. For  six hours, his troops were engaged in furious  

con la división del general Suchet a la cabeza. Durante seis horas, sus tropas se enfrascaron en una

- Tom looked angry.
- Tom sounded angry.
- Tom looked furious.
- Tom seemed to be angry.
- Tom looked irritated.

Tom parecía estar enfadado.

People have outrage only for me and no one else. Every time I'm happy, people become furious.

La gente tiene indignación solo para mí y nadie más. Cada vez que estoy feliz, la gente se pone furiosa.

She was a radical feminist. When she had the slightest suspicion that her boyfriend was objectifying a woman, she became furious.

Ella era una feminista radical, cuando tenía la más mínima sospecha de que su novio estaba tratando a una mujer como a un objeto, se ponía como una furia.