Translation of "Absolutely" in Spanish

0.081 sec.

Examples of using "Absolutely" in a sentence and their spanish translations:




- ¡Por supuesto!
- Sí, ¡Ciertamente!

- Absolutely.

- Absolutamente.

- I'm absolutely sure!
- I'm absolutely sure.

¡Estoy absolutamente seguro!

- You're absolutely right!
- You're absolutely right.

Tienes toda la razón.

Absolutely not.

Absolutamente no.

Absolutely great!

¡Absolutamente genial!

- Absolutely!
- Exactly!

- ¡Justamente!
- ¡Precisamente!

Absolutely crazy.

Absolutamente loco

Absolutely impossible.

Absolutamente imposible.

- Mm, absolutely.

- Mm, absolutamente.

And absolutely, absolutely nobody can live there

Y absolutamente, absolutamente nadie puede vivir allí

- It is absolutely impossible.
- It's absolutely impossible.

Es absolutamente imposible.

- You are absolutely correct.
- You're absolutely correct.

Tienes toda la razón.

- You are absolutely right.
- You're absolutely right.

Tienes toda la razón.

It's absolutely possible.

es totalmente posible.

Yes, absolutely yes.

Sí, absolutamente sí.

That's absolutely right.

Es totalmente como dices.

It's absolutely disgusting!

¡Es totalmente asqueroso!

Stay absolutely still.

Mantente totalmente quieto.

It's absolutely ridiculous.

Es totalmente ridículo.

That's absolutely correct.

Eso es totalmente correcto.

I'm absolutely sure!

¡Estoy absolutamente seguro!

Saudi Arabia? Absolutely.

¿Arabia Saudita? Absolutamente.

It's absolutely false.

Es absolutamente falso.

You're absolutely right.

Tienes toda la razón.

I'm absolutely furious.

Estoy totalmente furioso.

That's absolutely unacceptable.

Eso es totalmente inaceptable.

- Right on!
- Absolutely!

¡Por supuesto!

- That's genius. Absolutely.

- Eso es genio. Absolutamente.

It is absolutely scandalous

Es completamente escandaloso

Is it reversible? Absolutely.

¿Es reversible? Absolutamente.

Is this reversible? Absolutely.

¿Es reversible? Desde luego.

But they're absolutely real.

Pero son verídicas.

I was absolutely stunned!

¡Me dejó perpleja!

absolutely no damage whatsoever.

no provocaron daño alguno a su garganta.

Absolutely, I've done that.

He hecho eso.

I absolutely love puns,

Me encantan los juegos de palabras,

Would be absolutely critical.

sería absolutamente crítico.

"Absolutely sustainable," says Yngve.

"Absolutamente sostenible", dice Yngve.

That's not absolutely certain.

Eso no es completamente seguro.

Yes. You're absolutely right.

Sí. Tiene toda la razón.

Basically, you're absolutely right.

- En el fondo, tienes toda la razón.
- En el fondo, tenés toda la razón.

Mary looks absolutely stunning.

- Mary se ve absolutamente imponente.
- Mary tiene un aspecto fenomenal.
- Mary tiene un aspecto impactante.

It is absolutely impossible.

Es absolutamente imposible.

I am absolutely fallible.

Soy absolutamente falible.

Tom is absolutely correct.

Tom tiene toda la razón.

Tom is absolutely terrified.

Tom está totalmente aterrorizado.

That was absolutely unnecessary.

Eso fue absolutamente innecesario.

- Of course!
- Indeed!
- Absolutely!

¡Por supuesto!

I am absolutely flawed.

Soy absolutamente falible.

Tom was absolutely terrific.

- Lo de Tom ha sido absolutamente apabullante.
- Tom ha dado una clase magistral.
- Tom lo ha hecho de miedo.
- Tom ha estado genial.
- Tom ha estado estupendo.
- Tom lo ha hecho estupendamente.
- Tom ha estado increíble.
- Tom ha estado tremendo.
- Tom lo ha bordado.
- Tom les ha dado tres vueltas.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

El poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente.

You are absolutely right.

Tiene toda la razón.

- Tom is absolutely right.
- Tom is totally right.
- Tom is absolutely correct.

Tom tiene toda la razón.

- You are absolutely right.
- You're completely right.
- You're absolutely right!
- You're perfectly right.
- You are entirely correct.
- You are absolutely correct.
- You're totally right.
- You're absolutely correct.

Tiene toda la razón.

- You are absolutely right.
- You're completely right.
- You're absolutely right!
- You're perfectly right.
- You are completely right.
- You are entirely correct.
- You are absolutely correct.
- You're absolutely correct.

Tienes toda la razón.

My daughter absolutely hated piano,

que mi hija odiaba el piano,

Have absolutely massacred music education.

han masacrado la educación musical.

Strangers are great, absolutely great.

Extraños, los extraños son maravillosos.

It's an absolutely fascinating story.

Es una historia absolutamente fascinante.

Your conduct is absolutely shameful.

Tu conducta es absolutamente vergonzosa.

His technique was absolutely amazing.

Su técnica era absolutamente increíble.

She has absolutely no enemies.

Ella no tiene absolutamente ningún enemigo.

One must be absolutely modern.

Uno ha de ser absolutamente moderno.

I'm absolutely certain of it.

Estoy absolutamente seguro de ello.

I'm in absolutely total agreement.

Estoy completa y totalmente de acuerdo.

He has absolutely no enemies.

Él no tiene ningún enemigo.

I agree with you absolutely.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo.

You're absolutely right about that.

Tenés toda la razón con respecto a eso.

His heartbeat is absolutely normal.

- Su ritmo cardíaco es de lo más normal.
- Sus latidos son de lo más normal.

- You're quite right.
- You're perfectly right.
- You are absolutely correct.
- You're absolutely correct.

Tienes toda la razón.

- What you are saying is absolutely wrong.
- What you're saying is absolutely wrong.

- Lo que dices es absolutamente incorrecto.
- Lo que estás diciendo es absolutamente incorrecto.

- What you have done is absolutely inexcusable.
- What you've done is absolutely inexcusable.

- Lo que has hecho es totalmente inexcusable.
- Lo que has hecho no tiene ningún tipo de excusa.
- Lo que habéis hecho no tiene ningún tipo de excusa.
- Lo que ha hecho usted no tiene ningún tipo de excusa.
- Lo que han hecho ustedes no tiene ningún tipo de excusa.
- Lo que habéis hecho es totalmente inexcusable.
- Lo que ha hecho usted es totalmente inexcusable.
- Lo que han hecho ustedes es totalmente inexcusable.

- You are absolutely right.
- You're quite right.
- You can say that again.
- You're absolutely right!
- You're perfectly right.
- You are entirely correct.
- You are absolutely correct.
- You're absolutely correct.

Tienes toda la razón.