Translation of "Emit" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Emit" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Lightbulbs emit heat.

Las ampolletas emiten calor.

Doesn't emit or absorb light.

no emite ni absorbe luz.

Planets don't emit light by themselves.

Los planetas no emiten luz propia.

But it doesn't emit or absorb light,

Pero no emite ni absorbe luz

That radiation you emit, you do it unknowingly.

Esa radiación que tú emites la emites sin saber.

If you emit a certain amount of greenhouse gases.

si emitieras cierta cantidad de gases de efecto invernadero.

- Stars emit gamma rays at the time of their explosion.
- Stars emanate gamma rays when they explode.

Las estrellas liberan rayos gama en el momento de su explosión.