Translation of "Detective" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Detective" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I'm a detective.

Soy detective.

He is a detective.

Él es detective.

Tom is a detective.

Tom es detective.

Tom hired a detective.

Tom contrató a un detective.

He hired a private detective.

Ha contratado un detective privado.

Sometimes he reads detective stories.

Él lee novelas policiacas a veces.

I read detective stories exclusively.

Yo leo solo historias policíacas.

Sami is a private detective.

Sami es detective privado.

Tom has hired a detective.

Tom ha contratado a un detective.

- He amused himself by reading a detective story.
- He enjoyed reading detective stories.

Él disfrutaba leyendo novelas policiacas.

I am not a Polish detective, dear lady. I am an international detective.

No soy un detective polaco, querida señora. Soy un detective internacional.

He reads detective stories on occasion.

Él lee novelas policiacas a veces.

He has hired a private detective.

Él ha contratado a un detective privado.

She described him as a detective.

Ella lo describió como un detective.

He behaved as if he were a detective; I think he reads too many detective stories.

Adoptó una postura detectivesca; creo que lee demasiadas novelas policíacas.

The detective has evidence of the crime.

El detective tiene las pruebas del crimen.

He is absorbed in reading detective novels.

Está absorto en la lectura de novelas de detectives.

A detective arrived at the crime scene.

Un detective llegó a la escena del crimen.

I devour one detective story after another.

Yo devoro una novela policíaca tras la otra.

The detective disguised himself as an old gentleman.

El detective se disfrazó de viejo caballero.

He suddenly took a liking to detective stories.

De pronto, comenzaron a gustarle las historias de detectives.

He is absorbed in reading a detective story.

Él está absorto en la lectura de una novela policiaca.

I read about half of this detective novel.

Leí aproximadamente la mitad de esta novela de detectives.

- Tom thinks he's being shadowed by a private detective.
- Tom thinks that he's being shadowed by a private detective.

Tom piensa que está siendo seguido por un detective privado.

When as a detective you have reached a point

Cuando, como detective, ha llegado a un punto

A detective arrived upon the scene of the crime.

Un detective llegó a la escena del crimen.

The man turned out to be a private detective.

El hombre resultó ser un detective privado.

He has written a number of exciting detective stories.

Ha escrito un par de emocionantes historias de detectives.

The detective promised to look into the matter right away.

El detective prometió ponerse a investigar enseguida.

Every detective also puts his heart and soul into clearing up

Cada detective también pone su corazón y su alma en aclarar

- He hired a private investigator.
- He has hired a private detective.

Él contrató a un detective privado.

When I was a boy, I was addicted to reading detective stories.

De niño yo era adicto a la lectura de cuentos policiales.

She employed a private detective to keep a watch on her husband.

Ella contrató a un detective privado para que vigile a su marido.

The detective held the wine glass up to the light checking for fingerprints.

El detective alzó la copa de vino contra la luz verificando huellas digitales.

The detective I hired called to tell me he has a promising lead.

El detective que contraté me llamó para decirme que tiene una pista prometedora.

The detective was accused of planting evidence at the scene of the crime.

El detective fue acusado de plantar evidencia en la escena del crimen.

It's like being a detective. And you just slowly get all your clues together.

Es como ser detective. Y lentamente reúnes todas tus pistas.

Because if you as a detective does not do everything possible to clear up

Porque si usted, como detective, no hace todo lo posible para aclarar

- I devour one detective story after another.
- I devour one crime novel after another.

Yo devoro una novela policíaca tras la otra.

- She hired a private investigator.
- She hired a private eye.
- She hired a private detective.

Ella contrató a un detective privado.

A characteristic of the modern crime novel is that the detective has a private life.

Una característica de las novelas policíacas contemporáneas es que el detective tiene una vida privada.

One of the clichés of each detective story is that the victim has obviously been hit "with a blunt object".

Uno de los clichés de toda historia de detectives es que la víctima, obviamente, ha sido golpeada "con un objeto contundente".