Translation of "Blaze" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Blaze" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

The firemen quickly extinguished the blaze.

Os bombeiros rapidamente extinguiram as chamas.

Once more, within a cavern screened from view, / where circling trees a rustling shade supply, / the boards are spread, the altars blaze anew.

Dali distante, à entrada de uma gruta / cercada de árvores frondosas, outra vez / pomos as mesas, novo altar erguemos, / na sombra fresca as chamas avivamos.

I stood alone, when lo, in Vesta's fane / I see Tyndarean Helen, crouching down. / Bright shone the blaze around me, as in vain / I tracked my comrades through the burning town.

Estava eu só, portanto. Rumo ao lar, / caminho olhando em torno tudo que o clarão / do incêndio deixa ver, e eis que distingo / no santuário de Vesta, silencioso, / a tal filha de Tíndaro, escondida.

Lashed into foam, behind them roars the brine; / now, gliding onward to the beach, ere long / they gain the fields, and rolling bloodshot eyne / that blaze with fire, the monsters move along, / and lick their hissing jaws, and dart a flickering tongue.

Um rumor faz-se ouvir na salsa espuma: / já sobre a terra os monstros se projetam, / os olhos cor de sangue e fogo a fuzilar / e dardejando as fauces sibilantes, / continuamente, as línguas bífidas vibrantes.