Translation of "Stormy" in Italian

0.021 sec.

Examples of using "Stormy" in a sentence and their italian translations:

- It's stormy.
- The weather is stormy.

Il tempo è tempestoso.

It's stormy.

Il tempo è tempestoso.

It was October 2011, stormy, rain.

Era ottobre 2011, tempesta, pioggia.

- That day was very stormy.
- It was very stormy that day.
- That day was very turbulent.

Quel giorno c'era vento forte.

It was a dark and stormy night.

Era una notte buia e tempestosa.

Wet and stormy areas will get wetter and stormier.

Le zone umide e tempestose diventeranno più umide e più tempestose.

He must be crazy to go out in this stormy weather.

Deve essere matto per andare con un tempo simile.

The night was dark and stormy. Three robbers sat in a cave. Said one to another. Bill, tell us a story. And this is how it began.

La notte era buia e tempestosa. Tre ladri sedevano in una grotta. Disse uno all'altro: "Bill, raccontaci una storia". E così è come cominciò.