Translation of "Knocking" in Hungarian

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Knocking" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

Someone's knocking.

Valaki kopog.

Tom is knocking.

Tom kopog.

Tom entered without knocking.

Tom kopogás nélkül belépett.

Who's knocking at the door?

Ki kopog az ajtón?

He is knocking on his eyes in hunger.

Kopog a szeme az éhségtől.

- I thought I heard someone knocking on the door.
- I thought that I heard someone knocking on the door.

Úgy tűnt nekem, hogy hallottam valakit kopogni az ajtón.

- Someone is tapping at the door.
- Someone is knocking on the door.

Valaki kopog az ajtón.

As she heard the knocking she thought her parents were coming home.

Amikor kopogást hallott, azt gondolta már, hogy a szülei érkeztek meg.

And we knew it was only a matter of time before the town came knocking.

Tudtuk, hogy csak idő kérdése, hogy bekopogjon valaki az önkormányzattól.

- He was always drinking in those days.
- He was always boozing in those days.
- He was always knocking it back in those days.
- He was always boozing back then.

Ilyenkor-tájt mindig berúg.