Translation of "Come down" in Hungarian

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Come down" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

Come down!

- Állítsd le magad!
- Nyugi van!
- Tedd magad takarékra!
- Csillapodjál már le!
- Vegyél vissza!
- Csillapodjál!
- Nyugodj le a picsába!
- Nyugi, bazd meg!
- Nyugodj már le!

- Get down here!
- Come down here!
- Come downstairs.
- Come down!

Gyere le!

Come down for a minute.

Gyere le egy percre!

- Get down here!
- Come down here.
- Come on down.
- Come downstairs.
- Come down.
- Go downstairs.

- Gyere le ide!
- Jöjj le ide!

The price of rice has come down.

A rizs ára csökkent.

- Get down!
- Get down.
- Come on down.
- Come downstairs.
- Come down.
- Go downstairs.

Nézz le!

- The price of rice has come down.
- The price of rice has fallen.
- The price of rice has dropped.

A rizs ára csökkent.