Translation of "‘what" in German

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "‘what" in a sentence and their german translations:

- What was that?
- Come again?
- What?
- About what?
- What about?
- Say what?


- For what?
- What for?
- For what purpose?


- About what?
- What about?


- Then what?
- What, again?

Was ist jetzt schon wieder?

- For what?
- What for?


- What an asshole!
- What a plonker!
- What a dick!
- What a prick!
- What a jerk!

- Was für ein Arschloch!
- Was für ein Arsch!
- So ein Arsch!

- And now, what?
- And now what?
- What now?

Und was nun?



- What?

- Was?

- What a show!
- What spectacle!

Was für ein Spektakel!

- What a memory!
- What memory!

Was für ein Gedächtnis!

What? What did you say?

Wie? Was hast du gesagt?

- What happened?
- What has happened?

Was passierte?

- What time?
- At what time?

Wie spät?

- What motivates you?
- What motivated you?
- What drives you?

- Was trieb dich an?
- Was trieb euch an?
- Was trieb Sie an?
- Was hat euch angetrieben?
- Was hat dich angetrieben?
- Was hat Sie angetrieben?

- What horrible weather.
- What awful weather!
- What horrible weather!

- Was für ein fürchterliches Wetter.
- Was für ein Sauwetter!
- Was für ein schreckliches Wetter!

- So what?
- Then what?
- Yeah, and?
- So?
- So, what?

- Na und?
- Und nun?
- Naja, und jetzt?

- What awful weather!
- What horrible weather!
- What bad weather!

Was für ein Sauwetter!

- What happened then?
- What happened next?
- Then what happened?

- Was ist dann passiert?
- Was ist danach passiert?

- What a hassle!
- What a rigmarole!
- What a palaver!

Was für ein Zirkus!

- What happened then?
- Then what happened?
- What happens then?

Und was passierte dann?

- What a klutz!
- What a drag!
- What a millstone!

Was für ein lästiger Mensch!

- What is it?
- What is this?
- What's this?
- What is that?
- What are these?

Was ist das?

- What a pity!
- What a pity.

- Schade.
- Wie schade!

- What a disaster!
- What a catastrophe!

Was für eine Katastrophe!

- What a jerk!
- What a jerk.

Was für ein Trottel.

- So what?
- Then what?
- And then?

Na und?

- What the heck?
- What in tarnation?

Was zum Henker?

- What awful weather!
- What horrible weather!

Was für ein Sauwetter!

- What is hemoglobin?
- What is haemoglobin?

Was ist Hämoglobin?

- What a mess!
- What a mess.

Was für ein Durcheinander!

- So what happened?
- So, what happened?

Was ist denn nun passiert?

- What is happiness?
- What is luck?

Was ist Glück?

What? That's what she called me?

Wie? So hat sie mich genannt?

- What a shame!
- What a shame.

- Wie schade!
- Was für eine Schande!

- What is this?
- What is that?

Was ist das?

- What an asshole!
- What a prick!

Was für ein Arsch!

- What horrible weather.
- What horrible weather!

- Schreckliches Wetter!
- Was für ein schreckliches Wetter!

- What beautiful weather!
- What lovely weather!

Was für ein schönes Wetter!

- And now, what?
- And now what?

Und was nun?

What? What are you talking about?

- Was? Wovon redest du?
- Wie bitte? Was redest du da?

- What happened next?
- What happened afterwards?

- Was geschah danach?
- Was ist hinterher passiert?
- Was hat sich dann ereignet?

- What a day!
- What a day.

Was für ein Tag!

- What a pity!
- What a shame!


- What pretty flowers!
- What beautiful flowers!

Was für schöne Blumen!

- What was that?
- What was it?

Was war das?

- What caused that?
- What causes this?

Was hat das verursacht?

- What an idiot!
- What an idiot.

Was für ein Idiot!

- What is freedom?
- What is liberty?

Was ist Freiheit?

- What frightened Tom?
- What scared Tom?

Was hat Tom erschreckt?

- What happened in there?
- What happened out there?
- What happened over there?
- What happened there?

Was ist dort draußen passiert?

- What a pity!
- What a shame!
- Too bad.
- What a pity.

Wie schade!

- What is it?
- What is this?
- What's this?
- What is that?

Was ist das?

- What should I do?
- What to do?
- What shall we do?

- Was soll ich tun?
- Was tun?

- What is it?
- What's that?
- What is this?
- What is that?

Was ist das?

- What a wonderful family.
- What a wonderful family!
- What a marvelous family!
- What an awesome family!

- Was für eine wunderbare Familie!
- Was für eine bezaubernde Familie!

- What does it mean?
- What does this mean?
- What does that mean?
- What does this say?

Was bedeutet das?

- What was that?
- What is it?
- What's that?
- What is this?
- What's this?
- What is that?

- Was ist das?
- Was ist das für ein Ding?
- Was ist denn das?
- Was ist das hier?
- Was ist das für ein Objekt?
- Was ist das für eine Sache?

- What have you chosen?
- What have you picked?
- What did you choose?
- What did you pick?

Was haben Sie ausgesucht?

- What does he say?
- What does she say?
- What is she saying?
- What is he saying?

- Was sagen Sie?
- Was sagt er?
- Was sagt sie?

- What a queer story!
- What a strange story!
- What a bizarre story!
- What a bizarre tale!

- Was für eine seltsame Geschichte!
- Was für eine bizarre Geschichte!

Like what?

Zum Beispiel?

What happens?

Was geschieht?

What time?

Um welche Uhrzeit?

For what?


What fun!

Was für ein Spaß!

- What?
- Pardon?


What nonsense!

Was für ein Quatsch!

You're what?

- Sie sind was?
- Ihr seid was?

What gives?

- Was ist los?
- Was gibt’s Neues?

What effrontery!

Das ist ja eine Frechheit!

About what?


What foolishness!

- Was für eine Dummheit!
- Was für ein Unsinn!

Guess what!

- Rate doch mal!
- Rate mal!