Translation of "Was " in French

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Was " in a sentence and their french translations:

- That was fun.
- It was fun.
- That was funny.
- He was fun.
- He was funny.
- He was amusing.

C'était amusant.

- It was horrible!
- It was awful.
- It was horrible.
- That was terrible.

- Ce fut horrible.
- C'était terrible.

- That was fun.
- It was fun.
- That was funny.
- It was amusing.

C'était amusant.

- Tom was furious.
- Tom was angry.
- Tom was fuming.
- Tom was enraged.

Tom était furieux.

- It was clear he was lying.
- It was obvious he was lying.

Il était clair qu'il mentait.

- It was awful.
- It was horrible.
- That was terrible.
- That was horrible.
- It was truly horrifying.

- Ça a été horrible.
- C'était terrible.


« Was? »

That was what was popularized.

C'est ce qui a été popularisé.

Whatever was said was sad.

Tout ce qui était dit était triste.

- Tom was terrified.
- Tom was scared.
- Tom was frightened.

Tom était terrifié.

- Tom was crying.
- Tom was screaming.
- Tom was yelling.

Tom pleurait.

- That was amazing.
- It was unbelievable.
- That was unbelievable.

- C'était super.
- C'était génial.
- C'était incroyable.

- That was easy.
- It was easy.
- This was easy.

- C'était facile.
- Ce fut facile.

- I was confused.
- I was puzzled.
- I was baffled.

- J'étais confus.
- J'étais perturbé.
- J'étais confuse.
- J'ai été désorienté.

- I was afraid.
- I was frightened.
- I was scared.

J’étais effrayée.

- Tom was hurt.
- Tom was injured.
- Tom was wounded.

Tom était blessé.

- Tom was screaming.
- Tom was shouting.
- Tom was yelling.

Tom hurlait.

- Tom was plastered.
- Tom was drunk.
- Tom was intoxicated.

- Tom était bourré.
- Tom était ivre.

- It was fabulous.
- It was great.
- It was fab.

- Ce fut fabuleux.
- Ça a été fabuleux.

- Tom was tired.
- Tom was sleepy.
- Tom was weary.

Tom était fatigué.

- Was he French?
- Was it French?
- Was she French?

- Était-il français ?
- Était-elle française ?

- He was OK.
- He was fine.
- He was well.

- Il était bien.
- Elle était bien.
- Vous étiez bien.

- He was hurt.
- He was injured.
- He was wounded.

Il était blessé.

- How was it?
- What was it like?
- How was that?
- How was he?

C'était comment ?

- She was sacked.
- She was made redundant.
- She was laid off.
- She was discharged.
- She was dismissed.

Elle a été renvoyée.

- There was nobody there.
- No one was there.
- Nobody was around.
- Nobody was there.

Il n'y avait personne.

- He was good and drunk.
- He was as drunk as a lord.
- He was hammered.
- He was totally drunk.
- He was smashed.
- He was plastered.
- He was sloshed.

Il était complètement ivre.

"Sam was here," "Jasmin was here."

« Sam était là », « Jasmin était là. »

It was because I was frustrated

C'était parce que j'étais contrariée

"That was nourishing, that was extraordinary,

« C'était enrichissant, extraordinaire,

- He was bewildered.
- He was perplexed.

Il était embarrassé.

- Tom was scared.
- Tom was frightened.

- Tom avait peur.
- Tom a eu peur.

- It was interesting.
- That was interesting.

C'était intéressant.

- It was perfect!
- It was perfect.

C'était parfait.

- He was tired.
- He was sleepy.

Il était fatigué.

- Tom was elated.
- Tom was delighted.

- Tom était ravi.
- Tom était enthousiasmé.

- It was mesmerising.
- It was mesmerizing.

C'était fascinant.

- That was unexpected.
- It was unexpected.

- Ce n'était pas prévu.
- C'était inattendu.

- It was horrendous.
- It was shocking.

- Ce fut épouvantable.
- Ça a été épouvantable.

- It was handcrafted.
- It was handmade.

- C'était confectionné à la main.
- C'était fait main.
- On l'avait fait à la main.
- Ça a été fait à la main.

- Everyone was stunned.
- Everyone was shocked.

Tout le monde fut paralysé.

- It was superb.
- That was excellent.

- Ce fut magnifique.
- Ça a été magnifique.

Tom was here before I was.

Tom était ici avant moi.

- I was worried.
- I was restless.

J'étais inquiète.

- He was impressed.
- I was impressed.

- Il fut impressionné.
- Il a été impressionné.

- I was afraid.
- I was frightened.

J'avais peur.

- I was angry.
- I was mad.

J'étais en colère.

- Tom was sick.
- Tom was ill.

Tom était malade.

- I was frustrated.
- I was irked.

- J'étais agacé.
- J'étais agacée.

- I was shaken.
- I was impressed.

- J'ai été remué.
- J'ai été remuée.
- J'ai été secoué.
- J'ai été secouée.
- J'ai été impressionné.

- He was great.
- She was great.

Il a été super.

- I was correct.
- I was right.

J'avais raison.

- I was fool.
- I was mad.

- J'étais en colère.
- J'étais fou.
- J'étais folle.

- I was frightened.
- I was scared.

J'étais effrayé.

- I was fine.
- I was okay.

J'étais bien.

- I was horrible.
- I was terrible.

- J'étais mauvais.
- J'étais horrible.

- Tom was wrong.
- Tom was mistaken.

Tom avait tort.

- He was wrong.
- He was mistaken.

Il avait tort.

- Everybody was startled.
- Everyone was surprised.

- Tout le monde fut surpris.
- Tout le monde a été surpris.

- He was young.
- She was young.

Elle était jeune.

- Tom was brave.
- Tom was courageous.

Tom était courageux.

- I was joking.
- I was kidding.

- Je plaisantais.
- Je blaguais.

- That was fast.
- That was quick.

- C'était rapide.
- Ce fut rapide.

- Everything was good.
- Everything was fine.

Tout était bon.

- Everybody was silent.
- Everyone was silent.

- Tout le monde était silencieux.
- Tout le monde fut silencieux.
- Tout le monde a été silencieux.
- Tout le monde se taisait.

- It was horrible!
- It was horrible.

- Ce fut horrible.
- Ça a été horrible.

- It was easy.
- It was simple.

C'était simple.

I was hoping I was wrong.

J'espérais avoir tort.

- It was gross.
- It was disgusting.

- C'était dégueulasse.
- C'était dégoutant.
- C'était répugnant.

- It was inevitable.
- It was unavoidable.

C'était inévitable.

- It was freezing!
- It was freezing.

Il faisait un froid glacial !

- I was astonished.
- I was surprised.

- J'étais étonné.
- J'étais étonnée.

- Tom was out.
- Tom was outside.

Tom était dehors.

- He was out.
- She was outside.

Elle était dehors.

- I was rude.
- I was impolite.

J'ai été impolie.

- Tom was astounded.
- Tom was thunderstruck.

Tom était abasourdi.

- Tom was gesticulating.
- Tom was gesturing.

Tom gesticulait.

- Tom was stoned.
- Tom was high.

- Tom a été lapidé.
- Tom était défoncé.
- Tom était stone.

It was clear he was lying.

Il était clair qu'il mentait.

I was glad I was there.

J'étais content d'y être.

- Tom was scared.
- Tom was afraid.

Tom avait peur.

- I was singing.
- It was enjoyed.

Je chantais.

- I was worried.
- I was concerned.

- J'étais inquiet.
- J'étais préoccupé.

- That was scary.
- It was frightening.

C'était effrayant.

- That was depressing.
- It was depressing.

C'était déprimant.

- That was inevitable.
- That was unavoidable.

C'était inévitable.

- I was sleeping.
- I was asleep.

Je dormais.

- It was nice.
- It was cool.

C'était sympa.

- I was away.
- I was absent.

- J'étais absent.
- J'étais absente.

- Tom was fine.
- Tom was OK.

Tom était bien.

- Tom was shy.
- Tom was timid.

Tom était timide.

- Everybody was stunned.
- Everyone was shocked.

- Tout le monde fut stupéfait.
- Tout le monde fut abasourdi.
- Tout le monde a été abasourdi.