Translation of "Out  " in French

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Out  " in a sentence and their french translations:

- Keep out.
- Keep out!

Défense d'entrer.

- Get out.
- Get out!

Dehors !

- Look out!
- Look out.

- Attention !
- Faites attention !
- Fais attention !
- Soyez prudente !
- Fais gaffe !
- Faites gaffe !
- Fais attention !
- Regarde donc !
- Faites attention.

- Get out.
- Get out!
- Go outside.
- Come out.



- School's out.
- School is out.

- L'école est finie.
- L'école est terminée.
- C'est la fin de l'école.

- Get out.
- Get out!
- Leave!

Sors !

- We're going out.
- We'll go out.
- I'm going out.

Nous sortons.

- Cut it out!
- Cut it out.

- Arrête !
- Arrêtez !
- Arrêtez ça !

- Stay out of it!
- Butt out!

Ne t'en mêle pas !

- Check it out!
- Check it out.

- Vérifiez !
- Vérifie !

- Let's get out.
- Let's go out.

On devrait sortir.

- Look out!
- Watch out!
- It's dangerous!

- Attention !
- Faites attention !
- Fais attention !
- Fais gaffe !
- Faites gaffe !

- Let me out!
- Let me out.

- Laisse-moi sortir !
- Laissez-moi sortir !

- Look out!
- Watch out!
- Attention!
- Incoming!

Fais gaffe !

- They went out.
- They walked out.

Elles sont sorties.

- Get out.
- Beat it.
- Get out!

Oust !

- I chickened out.
- I freaked out.

J'ai eu les foies.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Loin des yeux, loin du cœur.

You're out.

vous étiez recalé.

Spread out


Keep out.

- N'entre pas.
- N'entrez pas.

Everyone's out.

Tout le monde est dehors.

Speak out!

Parle !

Get out!

Vers l'extérieur !

Everybody out!

Tout le monde dehors !

Sold out.


Get out.

- Sors.
- Décampe !

Everyone out!

Tout le monde dehors !

Look out!

Regarde donc !

- He is out now.
- He's out now.

Il est actuellement à l'extérieur.

- She went out.
- She has gone out.

Elle est sortie.

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

- Sors, sors, où que tu sois !
- Déclare-toi, déclare-toi, où que tu te trouves !

- I was going out.
- I went out.

- Je sortais.
- Je suis sorti.
- Je suis sortie.

- Help me out.
- Help me get out.

- Aide-moi à sortir.
- Aidez-moi à sortir.

- Don't freak out.
- Do not freak out.

Ne flipe pas !

- Time is running out.
- Time's running out.

Le temps s'épuise.

- Cut it out!
- Cut it out.
- Enough!

- Ça suffit !
- Assez !
- Il suffit !
- Assez !
- Arrêtez !
- Cessons !

- Look out!
- Watch out!
- Pay attention!
- Attention!

- Attention !
- Faites attention !
- Fais attention !
- Fais attention.

- Look out!
- Take care!
- Watch out!
- Attention!

Attention !

- Tom blacked out.
- Tom passed out.
- Tom has passed out.
- Tom fainted.

- Tom s'évanouit.
- Tom s'évanouissait.
- Tom s'est évanoui.
- Tom a perdu connaissance.

- Take the garbage out.
- Take out the trash.
- Take the rubbish out.

- Sortez les ordures.
- Sortez les déchets.
- Sortez les détritus.
- Sors les ordures.
- Sors les détritus.
- Sors les déchets.

- Get out.
- Get your carcass out of here!
- Get out!
- Please leave.


- Get out.
- Get out!
- Gangway!
- Get the fuck out!
- Take a hike!

Dégagez !

- The fire went out.
- The fire is out.
- The fire has gone out.
- The fire was out.

Le feu s'éteignit.

- Get out of bed!
- Get out of bed.
- Get up out of bed.

Sortez du lit !

- My patience gave out.
- I'm out of patience.
- I've run out of patience.

Ma patience est à bout.

- I'm about to go out.
- I'm on my way out.
- I'm going out.

- Je sors.
- Je vais sortir.

- We're out of ammo.
- We're out of ammunition.
- We've run out of ammunition.

Nous sommes à court de munitions.

- I laughed out loud.
- I burst out laughing.

J'ai éclaté de rire.

- Get out of bed!
- Get out of bed.

Sortez du lit !

- She seldom goes out.
- She rarely goes out.

- Elle sort rarement dehors.
- Elle sort rarement.

- Look out for pickpockets.
- Watch out for pickpockets.

Méfiez-vous des pickpockets.

- The lights are out.
- The lights went out.

- Les lumières se sont éteintes.
- Les lumières s'éteignirent.

- Snap out of it!
- Snap out of it.

- Reprends tes esprits !
- Reprenez vos esprits !
- Reviens à toi !
- Revenez à vous !

- I said get out.
- I said get out!

- Je t'ai dit de sortir.
- Je vous ai dit de sortir.

- Take out the trash.
- Take the rubbish out.

Sors les ordures.

- Tom has passed out.
- Tom is passed out.

- Tom s'est évanoui.
- Tom a perdu connaissance.

- Let's go out tonight?
- Let's go out tonight.

Sortons ce soir !

- Stay out of this.
- Stay out of this!

Reste en dehors de ça !

- Put your hands out.
- Stretch out your arms.

Étends tes bras.

- Take out your notebooks!
- Take out your notebooks.

Sortez vos blocs-notes !

- He went out to eat.
- He ate out.

Il sortit manger.

- Is anybody out there?
- Is anyone out there?

Y a-t-il quelqu'un là-dehors ?

- Throw out your weapon!
- Throw out your weapon.

Jette ton arme !

- Take the garbage out.
- Take the rubbish out.

Sortez les ordures.

- I found out something.
- I've found something out.

- J'ai découvert quelque chose.
- Je découvris quelque chose.