Translation of "Forthwith" in French

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Forthwith" in a sentence and their french translations:

Therewith the royal sceptre, which of yore / Ilione, Priam's eldest daughter, bore; / her shining necklace, strung with costly beads, / and diadem, rimmed with gold and studded o'er / with sparkling gems. Thus charged, Achates heeds, / and towards the ships forthwith in eager haste proceeds.

Il y fait joindre encor le sceptre qu'Ilione / reçut du vieux Priam, et sa riche couronne, / qui réunit à l'or l'éclat du diamant ; / enfin, de son collier le superbe ornement, / ces trésors arrondis, ces perles que l'aurore / de l'onde orientale autrefois vit éclore : / il veut ; et son ami court, docile à sa loi, / remplir les vœux d'un père, et les ordres d'un roi.

- Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.
- Mathematicians are like some Frenchmen: whatever you say to them they translate into their own language, and forthwith it is something entirely different.

Les mathématiciens sont comme les Français : quoi que vous leur disiez ils le traduisent dans leur propre langue et le transforment en quelque chose de totalement différent.

And Abraham took Ismael his son, and all that were born in his house: and all whom he had bought, every male among the men of his house: and he circumcised the flesh of their foreskin forthwith the very same day, as God had commanded him.

Abraham prit Ismaël son fils, tous les enfants de ses esclaves et ceux qu’il avait achetés à prix d’argent, tous les mâles de la maison d’Abraham ; il retrancha la chair de leur excroissance, ce jour-là même, ainsi que Dieu le lui avait dit.

Awed by the vision and the voice divine / ('twas no mere dream; their very looks I knew, / I saw the fillets round their temples twine, / and clammy sweat did all my limbs bedew) / forthwith, upstarting, from the couch I flew, / and hands and voice together raised in prayer, / and wine unmixt upon the altars threw. / This done, to old Anchises I repair, / pleased with the rites fulfilled, and all the tale declare.

Ainsi parlaient mes dieux : ce n'était point d'un songe / l'illusion nocturne et le grossier mensonge ; / c'étaient leurs saints bandeaux, leurs regards, leurs accents, / et tous mes sens émus me les montraient présents. / Tremblant, je me relève ; et, d'une ardeur pieuse, / je lève au ciel ma voix, ma main religieuse ; / aux dieux hospitaliers je rends un juste honneur, / et je cours à mon père annoncer mon bonheur.