Translation of "Beloved" in French

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Beloved" in a sentence and their french translations:

And my own beloved country, Bhutan --

et dans mon propre pays, le Bhoutan –

He lost his most beloved son.

Il a perdu son fils préféré.

Why are you crying, my beloved?

Pourquoi pleures-tu, chérie?

And Dennis moved the beloved Frisbee again.

Et Dennis a de nouveau déplacé le Frisbee bien-aimé.

My hand got bitten by my beloved dog.

Je me suis fait mordre la main par le chien que j'aime tant.

He went to Yokohama in his beloved car.

Il est allé à Yokohama avec sa voiture bien-aimée.

And my beloved one was watching some cultural junk.

et ma chère et tendre regardait une émission stupide.

- My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
- My beloved is white and ruddy, chosen out of thousands.

Mon bien-aimé est frais et vermeil, il se reconnait entre dix mille.

The most beloved people in the world are the spontaneous.

Les gens les plus chéris au monde sont les gens spontanés.

Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou fairest among women? whither is thy beloved turned aside? that we may seek him with thee.

Où est parti ton bien-aimé, ô la plus belle des femmes ? Où s'est tourné ton bien-aimé, que nous le cherchions avec toi ?

Ordener religiously pressed this gift from his beloved against his lips.

Ordener pressa religieusement sur ses lèvres ce présent de sa bien-aimée.

- Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat the fruit of his apple trees.
- Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.

Que mon bien-aimé entre dans son jardin, et qu'il en goûte les fruits délicieux !

- He drove his car to Yokohama.
- He went to Yokohama in his beloved car.

Il est allé à Yokohama avec sa voiture bien-aimée.

Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages.

Viens, mon bien-aimé, allons aux champs ! Nous passerons la nuit dans les villages.

When I die, let me be buried in my beloved Ukraine, my tomb upon a grave-mound high, amid the wide-spread plain.

Quand je mourrai, enterrez-moi au milieu de nos plaines, sur un tertre au milieu des steppes de ma si douce Ukraine.

- Saturn's daughter, fearing it, and remembering the protracted war which she had first waged at Troy on behalf of her beloved Argives -- the causes of her anger and her fierce grievances had still not died down in her soul.
- This feared she, mindful of the war beside / waged for her Argives on the Trojan plain; / nor even yet had from her memory died / the causes of her wrath, the pangs of wounded pride.

Tremblante pour sa gloire, et pour les Grecs qu'elle aime, / se rappelant encor tous ces fameux combats / que pour ces Grecs chéris avait livrés son bras, / une autre injure parle à son âme indignée.