Translation of "19th" in French

0.152 sec.

Examples of using "19th" in a sentence and their french translations:

- It's not the 19th century.
- It isn't the 19th century.

Ce n'est pas le XIXe siècle.

In the 19th and 20th centuries .

assemblé ici à partir de différents éléments aux XIXe et XXe siècles .

At the end of the 19th century

À la fin du XIXe siècle

He was born in the 19th century.

Il est né au XIXe siècle.

And this was a triumph of 19th-century mathematics

Et ce fut un triomphe des mathématiques du 19ème siècle

Comes from 19th century designer William Morris, who said,

vient du 19e siècle, du designer William Morris qui disait :

That once lined up here in the 19th century.

qui s'alignaient autrefois ici au XIXe siècle.

Even in the 19th century there was the idea

Même au 19ème siècle, il y avait l'idée

This island belonged to France in the 19th century.

Cette île a appartenu à la France au XIXe siècle.

Later in the 19th century, an anthropologist named W.H.R.

Plus tard au 19ème siècle, un anthropologue dénommé W.H.R. Rivers

In London, right the way through to the 19th century,

À Londres, tout au long du 19ème siècle,

It becomes a major commercial variety in the 19th century

et c'est devenu un succès commercial au XIXe siècle,

Until the end of the 19th century, one has to imagine,

Jusqu'à la fin du 19ème siècle, il faut imaginer,

In the 19th century, Westerners worked more than 60 hours per week.

Au 19ème, les Occidentaux travaillaient plus de 60 heures par semaine.

On the 19th, we were ordered to assault formidably entrenched German trenches.

Le 19, on nous a lancés à l’assaut de tranchées boches formidablement retranchées.

And form the basis of the women's rights movement of the 19th century

et constituent la base du mouvement pour les droits des femmes du XIXe siècle

The girl was born in Alabama at the end of the 19th century.

La fillette est née en Alabama vers la fin du 19ème siècle.

If at the beginning of the 19th century it was the rural population who

Si ce sont les populations rurales du début du XIXe siècle qui

He studied the scientists considered to be the most significant of the 19th century.

Il a étudié les scientifiques qui lui paraissaient important au 19e siècle.

History talks of the “man-eating leopard of Rudraprayag," a rogue from the 19th century

L'histoire parle du "léopard mangeur d'hommes de Rudraprayag", une bête sauvage du 19ème siècle.

Jomini would win fame as one of the 19th century’s great military thinkers, and served Ney well

Jomini gagnera la renommée en tant que l'un des grands penseurs militaires du 19ème siècle et servit Ney ainsi

In the English world of the 19th century, it was often said that masturbation would lead to a loss of memory and attention.

Dans le monde anglophone du 19e siècle, on disait souvent que la masturbation menait à la perte de la mémoire et de la concentration.