Translation of "“to" in French

0.040 sec.

Examples of using "“to" in a sentence and their french translations:

To listen to music, to listen to podcasts,

pour écouter de la musique, ou des podcasts.

To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.

Se surprendre, s'étonner, c'est commencer à comprendre.

To compare ourselves to.

des photos de gens auxquels on se compare.

- I have to go to work.
- I need to go to work.
- I've got to go to work.
- I've got to get to work.
- I need to get to work.
- I must go to work.

- Je dois aller au travail.
- Il faut que j'aille travailler.
- Je dois aller travailler.

It is sweet to dream, to love, to sing – to live!

C'est doux de rêver, d'aimer, de chanter – de vivre !

- I have to go to sleep.
- I have to go to bed.
- I need to go to sleep.

Je dois aller dormir.

- I need someone to talk to.
- I need somebody to talk to.
- I have to talk to somebody.

- J'ai besoin de quelqu'un avec qui parler.
- J'ai besoin de quelqu'un à qui parler.

- To be is to be perceived or to perceive.
- To exist is to be perceived or to perceive.

Être, c'est être perçu ou percevoir.

- Philosophy is learning how to die.
- To philosophize is to learn how to die.
- To philosophise is to learn how to die.

Philosopher, c'est apprendre à mourir.

To cooking, to baking, to the service industry.

Boulangerie mode d'emploi, et Service mode d'emploi.

To give, to do or not to do.

à donner, à faire ou à ne pas faire.

I'd like to find somebody to talk to.

- J'aimerais trouver quelqu'un à qui parler.
- J'aimerais trouver quelqu'un avec qui m'entretenir.

- It is up to you to decide what to do.
- It's up to you to decide what to do.

- À toi de décider que faire.
- C'est à toi de décider quoi faire.

- I have to go to hospital.
- I've got to go to the hospital.
- I have to get to the hospital.
- I have to go to the hospital.
- I need to go to the hospital.

Il faut que j'aille à l'hôpital.

- I have to go to work.
- I need to go to work.
- I've got to go to work.
- I must go to work.

Je dois aller au travail.

- I'd like to go to Hawaii.
- I wish to go to Hawaii.

J’aimerais aller à Hawaii.

- I want someone to talk to.
- I want somebody to talk to.

Je veux quelqu'un à qui parler.

- I want to go to college.
- I'd like to go to college.

Je veux aller à l'université.

I'm going to go to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Je vais aller à la cuisine pour glaner quelque chose à manger.

- I want to go to Boston.
- I'd like to go to Boston.

Je veux aller à Boston.

- I've got to speak to you.
- I've got to talk to you.

- Il me faut vous parler.
- Il faut que je parle avec vous.

- I want to go to bed!
- I want to go to bed.

Je veux aller me coucher.

- I have to go to sleep.
- I have to go to bed.

- Je dois aller au lit.
- Je dois aller dormir.

- I want to travel to Australia.
- I want to go to Australia.

Je veux aller en Australie.

- I have to go to sleep.
- I need to go to sleep.

Je dois aller dormir.

- I have to go to Boston.
- I need to go to Boston.

Je dois aller à Boston.

- I need someone to talk to.
- I need to talk to someone.

Il me faut parler à quelqu'un.

- I want to talk to you.
- I wish to speak to you.

- Je souhaite vous parler.
- Je souhaite te parler.

- Tom refused to talk to me.
- Tom refused to speak to me.

Tom a refusé de me parler.

- I'd like to speak to John.
- I'd like to talk to John.

- J'aimerais parler à Jean.
- Je souhaiterais parler à Jean.

- It's time to go to bed.
- It's time to go to sleep.

- C'est l'heure d'aller au lit.
- Il est temps d'aller se coucher.
- Il est temps d'aller dormir.
- Il est l'heure d'aller au lit.

- I plan to move to Boston.
- I'm planning to move to Boston.

Je prévois de déménager à Boston.

- Tom wants to talk to Mary.
- Tom wants to speak to Mary.

- Tom veut parler avec Marie.
- Tom veut parler à Mary.

- To be is to be perceived.
- To exist is to be perceived.

Être, c'est être perçu.

- I have to go to hospital.
- I've got to go to the hospital.
- I have to get to the hospital.
- I have to go to the hospital.

Il faut que j'aille à l'hôpital.

- I want to go back to Boston.
- I want to get back to Boston.
- I want to come back to Boston.
- I want to return to Boston.

Je veux retourner à Boston.

- You have to take this bus to get to the museum.
- You have to get that bus to get to the museum.
- You've got to take this bus to get to the museum.
- You've got to get this bus to get to the museum.
- You've got to catch this bus to get to the museum.
- You have to catch that bus to get to the museum.
- You have to catch this bus to get to the museum.

Tu dois prendre ce bus-ci pour te rendre au musée.

- He wants to go to America.
- He wants to go to the United States.
- She wants to go to America.

Il veut aller en Amérique.

- I have to go to hospital.
- I've got to go to the hospital.
- I have to go to the hospital.

Il faut que j'aille à l'hôpital.

- I want to talk to her.
- I want to speak with her.
- I wish to speak to her.
- I want to speak to her.

- Je veux lui parler.
- Je veux parler avec elle.

To Spain to take charge.

en Espagne pour prendre les commandes.

To subscribe to the channel

de vous abonner à la chaîne

To subscribe to our channel

de vous abonné a notre chaîne

To hear is to obey.

Entendre, c'est obéir.

To be is to consume.

Être, c'est consommer.

To love is to suffer.

- L'amour est une souffrance.
- Aimer, c'est souffrir.

To see is to believe.

Le voir, c'est le croire.

To live is to fight.

Vivre, c'est lutter.

To live is to struggle.

- Vivre, c'est combattre.
- Vivre, c'est lutter.

To think means to compare.

Penser, c'est comparer.

To live is to feel.

Vivre c'est sentir.

To live is to suffer.

Vivre, c'est souffrir.

To hope is to enjoy.

Espérer, c'est jouir.

To subscribe to your website,

pour vous abonner à votre site web,

Is to form, to build, to develope an app -

c'est imaginer et développer une appli -

You need to be able to relate to everybody.

il faut pouvoir s'identifier à tout le monde.

To rake the muck, to speak truth to power?

et pour dire leur vérité aux puissants ?

It is next to impossible to go to school.

Se rendre à l'école est presque impossible.

It's up to you to decide what to do.

- C'est à vous de décider ce qu'il faut faire.
- C'est à vous de décider de ce qu'il faut faire.

I wanted to talk to them face to face.

Je voulais m'entretenir avec eux en face à face.

- Go to sleep.
- Get to bed.
- Go to bed.

Va dormir !

Tom seems to need to go to the bathroom.

Tom a l'air d'avoir besoin d'aller aux toilettes.

I used to go to that library to study.

J'avais pour habitude d'aller étudier à cette bibliothèque.

I wish to go to Paris to study art.

Je souhaite aller à Paris pour étudier l'art.

I hope to go to Paris to study art.

J'espère aller à Paris pour faire des études d'art.

Tom wanted to talk to Mary face to face.

Tom voulait parler à Mary face à face.

To live without hope is to cease to live.

Vivre sans espoir, c'est cesser de vivre.

I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Je vais devoir vous demander de partir.

They can to your videos to get you to

ils peuvent à vos vidéos pour vous rendre à

To refer to Paul and the letter to the Corinthians and to say:

Se référer à Paul et à la lettre aux Corinthiens et dire:

- It's time to go to school.
- It is time to go to school.

Il est l'heure d'aller à l'école.

- He wants to learn how to cook.
- He wants to learn to cook.

Il veut apprendre à faire la cuisine.

- It's time to go to bed.
- It is time to go to bed.

- C'est l'heure d'aller se coucher.
- C'est l'heure de se coucher.

- I would like to go to France.
- I'd like to go to France.

J'aimerais aller en France.

- I have to go to hospital.
- I have to go to the hospital.

Il faut que j'aille à l'hôpital.

- I was trying to talk to you.
- I tried to talk to you.

J'essayais de te parler.