Translation of "Cent" in Chinese

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Examples of using "Cent" in a sentence and their chinese translations:

I'd like to buy two 45-cent stamps, please.


Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex.


Fifteen per cent of the housing will be affordable, so that low-income families will be able to buy or rent homes in the area.


The victim of blackmail has been paying hush money for years, but now he realizes it is foolish, and he has decided not to pay a red cent more.

被害人被勒索支付封口費已經很多年, 但現在他意識到這樣做是愚蠢的, 而且他已經決定再也不付一毛錢了。

"Honey, quick, quick. There's this website called Tatoeba that's auctioning its sentence collection for a cent each! They've even got special offers like buy 100 sentences and get 1 free!" "Ah great! now people collect sentences as a hobby?! What's the world coming to!"

"親愛的,快,快。有個名為Tatoeba的網站正在拍賣它的句子收藏一句每一分錢!他們甚至有個優惠像是買一百句送一句!" "啊太好了!現在人們收集句子當作嗜好?!這是什麼世界來著!"