Translation of "Zeiden" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Zeiden" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ze zeiden:

They said,

En ze zeiden:

And they said,

- Enkelen van hen zeiden ja, en de anderen neen.
- Enkelen van hen zeiden ja, anderen zeiden neen.

Some of them said yes, and the others said no.

Dat is wat wij zeiden.

That's what we said.

Yanni en Skura zeiden ja.

Yanni and Skura said yes.

- Zij zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden.
- Ze zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden.

- They said that they liked pizza.
- They said they liked pizza.

Ze zeiden dat ze dorst hebben.

- They said they're thirsty.
- They said that they're thirsty.

Ik begreep alles wat jullie zeiden.

I understood everything you said.

Ze zeiden dat ze geluk hadden.

- They said they were lucky.
- They said that they were lucky.

Ze zeiden dat ze zich verveelden.

- They said they were bored.
- They said that they were bored.

Ze zeiden dat ze kleurenblind waren.

- They said that they were colorblind.
- They said they were colorblind.

Ze zeiden dat ze stomverbaasd waren.

- They said that they were baffled.
- They said they were baffled.

Ik begrijp alles wat jullie zeiden.

I understand everything you said.

Buiten zeiden we dat ze moest plassen;

We take her outside, tell her to go pee,

Ze zeiden dat we erg gevaarlijk waren.

[in Spanish] Because we were very dangerous, they said.

De buren zeiden: "Oh, dat is tegenslag."

And the neighbors say, "Oh, that's terrible luck."

- Zeiden ze waarom?
- Hebben ze gezegd waarom?

Did they say why?

Ze zeiden dat ze hier gelukkig waren.

- They said they were happy here.
- They said that they were happy here.

Ze zeiden dat ze niet wilden zingen.

- They said that they didn't want to sing.
- They said they didn't want to sing.

Ze zeiden dat ze niet kleurenblind waren.

- They said that they weren't colorblind.
- They said they weren't colorblind.

Ze zeiden dat ze echt blut waren.

- They said that they were really broke.
- They said they were really broke.

Ze zeiden dat ze zich buitengesloten voelden.

- They said that they felt left out.
- They said they felt left out.

Ze zeiden dat ze probeerden te winnen.

- They said that they tried to win.
- They said they tried to win.

Ze zeiden dat ze het niet wisten.

- They said that they didn't know.
- They said they didn't know.

Zij zeiden dat ze van pizza houden.

- They said that they like pizza.
- They said they like pizza.

Rechercheurs zeiden dat Tom zijn vriendin had gewurgd.

Detectives said Tom strangled his girlfriend.

Tom en Mary zeiden dat ze tevreden waren.

- Tom and Mary said that they were pleased.
- Tom and Mary said they were pleased.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze kunstenaars waren.

- Tom and Mary said they were artists.
- Tom and Mary said that they were artists.

Tom en Mary zeiden dat ze niet zwommen.

- Tom and Mary said they didn't swim.
- Tom and Mary said that they didn't swim.

Ze zeiden dat ze gisteravond een ufo zagen.

They said they saw a UFO last night.

Zij zeiden dat ze een jacht willen kopen.

They said they want to buy a yacht.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze kleurenblind waren.

- Tom and Mary said they were colorblind.
- Tom and Mary said that they were colorblind.

Ze zeiden dat ze iemand hebben horen snurken.

- They said that they heard somebody snoring.
- They said they heard somebody snoring.

En die zeiden dat ze ook mee wilden doen.

and said they wanted to join in too.

Ward en Brownlee zeiden dat er wellicht meer zijn.

Ward and Brownlee said there might be more.

Mijn ouders zeiden mij dat ouderen moeten gerespecteerd worden.

My parents told me that we should respect the elderly.

- Zei je iets?
- Zei u iets?
- Zeiden jullie iets?

Did you say something?

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze wat geld wilden.

Tom and Mary said that they wanted some money.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze Frans willen studeren.

- Tom and Mary said they want to study French.
- Tom and Mary said that they want to study French.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze geen koffie dronken.

- Tom and Mary said they didn't drink coffee.
- Tom and Mary said that they didn't drink coffee.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze het niet geloofden.

- Tom and Mary said they didn't believe it.
- Tom and Mary said that they didn't believe it.

Tom en Maria zeiden me dat ze wilden gaan.

Tom and Mary told me they wanted to go.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze zich moe voelden.

- Tom and Mary said they felt tired.
- Tom and Mary said that they felt tired.

Ze zeiden dat dat niet was wat ze wilden.

They said that's not what they wanted.

Ze zeiden dat ze klaar waren om te praten.

- They said they were ready to talk.
- They said that they were ready to talk.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze niet kleurenblind waren.

- Tom and Mary said they weren't colorblind.
- Tom and Mary said that they weren't colorblind.

Ze zeiden mij dat ze geen pindanoten konden eten.

- They told me that they can't eat peanuts.
- They told me they can't eat peanuts.

Ze zeiden dat ze het niet meer gingen doen.

- They said that they won't do that again.
- They said they won't do that again.

Ze zeiden dat ze in de handboeien waren geslagen.

- They said that they'd been handcuffed.
- They said they'd been handcuffed.

Ze zeiden dat ze van plan waren te gaan.

- They said that they plan to go.
- They said they plan to go.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden.

Tom and Mary said they liked pizza.

Ze zeiden dat ze dat voor ons zouden doen.

They said they'd do that for us.

De dokters zeiden zonder omwegen tegen mij en mijn ouders

The doctors told me and my parents, point-blank,

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze in bed wilden ontbijten.

Tom and Mary said they wanted to eat breakfast in bed.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze het heel druk hadden.

- Tom and Mary said that they were really busy.
- Tom and Mary said they were really busy.

Tom en Mary zeiden dat ze het daarmee eens waren.

- Tom and Mary said they agreed.
- Tom and Mary said that they agreed.

Ze zeiden dat ze geen last van de warmte hadden.

They said the heat didn't bother them.

Tom en Mary zeiden dat ze de politie hadden gebeld.

- Tom and Mary said they called the police.
- Tom and Mary said that they called the police.

Ze zeiden dat ze je dat nooit zouden laten doen.

- They said that they'd never let you do that.
- They said they'd never let you do that.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat hun huis niet beschadigd was.

- Tom and Mary said that their house wasn't damaged.
- Tom and Mary said their house wasn't damaged.

Zij ouders zeiden hem dat hij naar de universiteit moest gaan.

His parents said that he should go to the university.

"Hoe ging het?" "Ze zeiden dat het een acute blindedarmontsteking was."

"How did it go?" "They said it was acute appendicitis."

Omdat zij Chinees praatten begreep ik niets van wat zij zeiden.

Because they were speaking Chinese, I couldn't understand anything they said.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze dat waarschijnlijk overmogen zullen doen.

Tom and Mary said they'll probably do that the day after tomorrow.

Tom en Maria zeiden me dat ze niets verkeerd hebben gedaan.

- Tom and Mary told me they didn't do anything wrong.
- Tom and Mary told me that they didn't do anything wrong.
- Tom and Mary told me that they did nothing wrong.
- Tom and Mary told me they did nothing wrong.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze zich zorgen om me maakten.

Tom and Mary said they were worried about me.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze klaar waren om te gaan.

Tom and Mary said that they were ready to go.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze met ons naar Boston wilden gaan.

- Tom and Mary said they wanted to go to Boston with us.
- Tom and Mary said that they wanted to go to Boston with us.

- Ze zeiden dat ze niet betaald werden.
- Ze zegden dat ze niet betaald werden.
- Ze zegden dat ze niet werden betaald.
- Ze zeiden dat ze niet werden betaald.

- They say that they weren't being paid.
- They say they weren't being paid.

Zoals we eerder zeiden, Nederland is erg klein en er is nauwelijks ruimte

As we said before, the Netherlands is very small and there’s hardly any space for large

Ze zeiden tegen ons dat we vanwege de sneeuw naar huis mochten gaan.

We were told that, due to the snow, we may go home.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze dachten dat ze dat vandaag konden doen.

Tom and Mary said they thought they'd be able to do that today.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze dat op enig moment vandaag moesten doen.

Tom and Mary said they needed to do that sometime today.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze het niet nog eens hoefden te doen.

Tom and Mary said they didn't have to do that again.

Sommigen zeiden openlijk dat het hun niet kon schelen wie de oorlog won.

Some said openly that they did not care who won the war.

Die met soortgelijke problemen kampten, zelfs al zeiden ze of toonden ze dat niet.

who are dealing with similar struggles even if they didn't say or show it.

Mijn ouders zeiden dat ze de meeste van hun kerstcadeaus al online hebben gekocht.

My parents said they have already purchased most of their Christmas presents online.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze niet wisten dat Johan dat zou moeten doen.

Tom and Mary said they didn't know John was going to have to do that.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze morgen niet zo vroeg op hoefden te staan.

Tom and Mary said they didn't have to get up so early tomorrow.

Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze dachten dat ik dat mogelijk vandaag moest doen.

Tom and Mary said they thought I might have to do that today.

Tom en Maria zeiden tegen Johannes, dat ze niet geloofden dat Elke in Boston was.

Tom and Mary told John that they didn't think Alice was in Boston.

Tom en Mary zeiden dat ze dachten dat John gereed was om dat te doen.

Tom and Mary said that they thought John was ready to do that.

En zo raakte Pandark verloren in zijn kamer en zag men hem nooit meer terug. Sommigen zeiden dat hij van honger omkwam, anderen zeiden dat hij nog steeds ronddwaalt op zoek naar zijn cd's.

This is how Pandark got lost in his room and noone ever saw him again. Some people say that he died of hunger, some other tell that he still wanders, looking for his CDs.