Translation of "Wilt" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Wilt" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Als ge wilt.
- Als je wilt.

If you want.

- U wilt praten.
- U wilt iets zeggen.

You want to speak.

- Eet wat je wilt.
- Eet wat ge wilt.
- Eet al wat ge wilt.

Eat whatever you like.

- Wat wilt u drinken?
- Wat wilt ge drinken?

What would you like to drink?

- Doe wat je wilt.
- Doe wat ge wilt.

- Do what you like.
- Suit yourself.
- Do what you want.

- Eet wat je wilt.
- Eet wat ge wilt.

- Eat whatever you like.
- Eat everything you wish.
- Eat anything you like.
- Eat what you want.
- Eat whatever you want.
- Eat anything you want.

Als je wilt.

If you wish.

Wilt u bestellen?

Would you like to order?

Zoals u wilt!

As you wish.

Wilt ge roken?

Care for a smoke?

Wilt u doorgaan?

Do you want to continue?

Wilt u dit?

You want this?

Wilt u vis?

Do you want fish?

Wilt u gaan?

- You want to go?
- Do you wish to go?

Zoals je wilt.

As you like.

Wilt u dansen?

Do you want to dance?

Als ge wilt.

If you want.

Wilt u trouwen?

Do you want to get married?

- Eet wat je wilt.
- Eet al wat ge wilt.

- Eat whatever you like.
- Eat anything you like.
- Eat what you want.

- Kom wanneer ge maar wilt.
- Kom wanneer je wilt.

- Come whenever you like.
- Please come whenever you like.
- Come at any time you like.
- Come whenever you want.
- Come whenever you want to.

- Zoals u wilt!
- Zoals je wilt.
- Wat je wil.

- Suit yourself.
- As you wish.

- Je wilt praten.
- Jij wilt praten.
- Je wil praten.

You want to speak.

- Wilt u een kopje koffie?
- Wilt u een kop koffie?

- Would you like a cup of coffee?
- Do you want a cup of coffee?

- Wilt u een kopje koffie?
- Wilt ge een tas koffie?

Do you want a cup of coffee?

Wilt u gehaktballen eten?

Do you want to eat meatballs?

Waar wilt ge naartoe?

Where do you want to go?

Wilt u wat ijs?

Would you like ice?

Je wilt me doden.

You want to kill me.

Wilt u wat taart?

Would you like some cake?

Wat wilt ge drinken?

- What would you like to drink?
- What do you want to drink?

Hoeveel geld wilt u?

How much money do you want?

Wat wilt ge dan?

What do you want then?

Wilt u wat wijn?

Do you want some wine?

Wat wilt u horen?

What do you want to hear?

Doe wat ge wilt.

Do as you like.

Lees wat je wilt.

Read what you want.

Wilt ge iets zeggen?

- Do you have anything to say?
- Do you have something to say?
- Do you have something on your mind?

Hoeveel appels wilt u?

How many apples do you want?

Wilt u niet gaan?

Don't you want to go?

Wat wilt u eten?

- What do you want to eat?
- What would you like to eat?

Kom wanneer je wilt.

- Come whenever you like.
- Come whenever you want.
- Come whenever you want to.

Wilt u een nagerecht?

Would you like any dessert?

Wilt u niets eten?

Don't you want to eat?

Hoeveel wilt u er?

How much do you want?

Doe wat je wilt.

- Do as you like.
- Suit yourself.

Wilt u er een?

Want one?

Wat wilt ge nu?

What do you want now?

Wilt u iets drinken?

- Would you like to drink anything?
- Would you like a drink?

Wilt u wat koffie?

- Would you like some coffee?
- Do you want a spot of coffee?

Wat wilt u drinken?

- What will you have to drink?
- What would you like to drink?
- What'll you have to drink?

Wilt u wat brood?

Would you like bread?

Neem wat je wilt!

Take anything you like.

Wilt u meer ijs?

- Do you want more ice?
- Do you want more ice cream?

- Eet maar wat ge wilt.
- U kunt eten wat u wilt.
- Je kunt eten wat je wilt.

You can eat whatever you like.

- De politie wilt u ondervragen.
- De politie wilt je vragen stellen.

The police want to question you.

- U kunt kiezen welke u wilt.
- Kiest u maar wat u wilt.
- Kiest u maar welke u wilt.

You may choose whichever you want.

- Doe wat je wilt.
- Doe wat je wil.
- Doe wat ge wilt.

Suit yourself.

- Zeg mij gewoon wat ge wilt.
- Zeg me gewoon wat je wilt.

Just tell me what you want.

- Als ge wilt, moogt ge gaan.
- Als je wilt, kun je gaan.

- You can go if you want.
- If you wish, you can go.

- U kunt kiezen welke u wilt.
- Kiest u maar wat u wilt.

- You may choose whichever you want.
- You may choose what you like.
- You may choose what you want.