Translation of "Toch" in English

1.073 sec.

Examples of using "Toch" in a sentence and their english translations:



Deprimerend, toch?

Depressing, right?

Toch bedankt.

- Thanks anyway.
- Thanks all the same.

Ja, toch?

Yes, so?

Ironisch, toch?

Ironic, isn't it?

Ongelooflijk, toch?

Unbelievable, isn't it?

Jongens toch!


Je verwacht nu toch geen antwoord, toch?

You don't expect an answer now, do you?

- Dat weet je toch.
- Dat weten jullie toch.
- Dat weet u toch.

You already know that.

- Waar was je toch?
- Waar waart ge toch?

So where were you?

- Tom was toch hier?
- Tom was hier, toch?

Tom was here, wasn't he?

- Je bent kleurenblind, toch?
- U bent kleurenblind, toch?

You're colorblind, aren't you?

- Tom verwacht je, toch?
- Tom verwacht u, toch?

Tom is expecting you, isn't he?

Gebeurt het toch.

it still happens.

Heerlijk, toch? Zitten!

Didn't that feel good?! Sit down!

- Toch wel.
- Jazeker.

- Indeed.
- Yes indeed.

Mooi weer, toch?

Great weather, isn't it?

- Niet?
- Toch?
- Klopt?


Het kan, toch?

It's possible, right?

Kom toch binnen!

Come in already.

Ga toch weg!

- Bugger off.
- Bugger off!

- Echt?
- Ja, toch?

- You don't say.
- Really?

- Dat mag toch niet?
- Dat mag toch niet, wel?

That's not allowed, right?

- Je hebt me toch gezien?
- U heeft me toch gezien?
- Jullie hebben me toch gezien?

You saw me, didn't you?

Je gaat dat toch niet dragen voor het feest, toch?

- You're not wearing that to the party, are you?
- You aren't wearing that to the party, are you?

- Jij bent de leidinggevende, toch?
- U bent de leidinggevende, toch?

You're the person in charge, aren't you?

- Doe toch niet zo vervelend!
- Doe toch niet zo lastig!

Stop being such a pest!

Toch zijn deze bewakingstools

And yet, these tools of surveillance

Jij kan toch typen?

You can type, can't you?

- Ironisch, toch?
- Ironisch, nietwaar?

Ironic, isn't it?

Je hebt verloren, toch?

You lost, didn't you?

Waar was je toch?

Just where were you?

Zeg het toch maar!

Say it anyway!

Tom is getrouwd, toch?

Tom is married, isn't he?

Tom heeft toch honger?

Tom is hungry, isn't he?

Tom is gezond, toch?

Tom is healthy, isn't he?

Tom is kaal, toch?

Tom is bald, isn't he?

Jullie zijn Duitsers, toch?

You're Germans, aren't you?

Ik zei toch sorry.

- I said I'm sorry.
- I've said I'm sorry.

Tom spreekt Frans, toch?

Tom speaks French, doesn't he?

Frans is moeilijk, toch?

- French is difficult, isn't it?
- French is hard, isn't it?

Doe het toch gewoon.

Just get on with it.

Jullie zijn studenten, toch?

You're students, aren't you?

Dat is toch fantastisch?

That's awesome, right?

Je begrijpt dat toch?

You understand that, don't you?

Waar waart ge toch?

- So where did you live?
- So where were you?

Wat blaast het toch!

How it blows!

Schiet toch eens op!

Come on, get a move on!

Geloof me toch eens!

Believe you me.

- Tjonge!
- Jeetje!
- Jongens toch!


Tom is streng, toch?

Tom is strict, isn't he?

Tom is kleurenblind, toch?

Tom is colorblind, isn't he?

Tom wordt toch dertien?

Tom is turning thirteen, isn't he?

Maria is kleurenblind, toch?

Mary is colorblind, isn't she?

Zoiets kan toch niet.

Surely something like that can't happen.

Hij is toch kalm?

- He's cool, isn't he?
- He's calm, isn't he?

Ze is toch terug?

She's back, isn't she?

Toch wist Tom het.

Somehow, Tom knew.

U bent Canadees, toch?

You're Canadian, aren't you?

Dat kan toch niet?

- That's not possible, is it?
- You can't do that, right?
- That isn't possible, is it?

Dat mag toch niet?

That's not allowed, right?

Ik was gelukkig, toch?

I was happy, wasn't I?

- Ik zei het je toch.
- Ik heb het je toch gezegd.

- I told you so!
- I told you so.

- Dat heb ik je toch gezegd!
- Ik zei het je toch!

- I told you so!
- I told you so.

- Dat viel wel mee toch?
- Nou, dat viel wel mee toch?

Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?

- Dit is toch wat je wou?
- Het is toch wat je wou?

It's what you wanted, isn't it?

- We zitten in hetzelfde team, toch?
- We zitten toch in hetzelfde team?

We're on the same team, right?

- Hij had het toch verkeerd?
- Hij had het toch verkeerd, of niet?

He got it wrong, didn't he?

Dat werd ons voorgeschoteld, toch?

It was given, right?

Want het zijn toch maar:

because they are only:

toch wat sommige mensen betreft.

at least for some people.

En toch geloof ik oprecht

And yet, I passionately believe

Toch was ik niet tevreden.

But I was unsatisfied.

Komt ons goed uit, toch?

Great for us, right?

Toch gaat het bloedvergieten door.

Even so, the bloodshed continues.