Translation of "‫قُتل" in English

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Examples of using "‫قُتل" in a sentence and their english translations:

‫قُتل العقرب...‬

scorpion dispatched...

لقد قُتل.

He was killed.

قُتل سامي.

Sami was killed.

بكلتا يديه حتى قُتل.

lashing out with both hands until he was killed.

وخلال ساعات قليلة، قُتل الألاف

Within a few hours, thousands were killed  

ولكنه فقط يكون قُتل بالفعل.

but only it has already been killed.

قُتل سامي لمجرّد أنّه مسلم.

Sami was killed because he was Muslim.

‫قُتل حوالي 1500 فهد منذ 2014.‬

nearly 1500 leopards have been killed since 2014.

تحتوي أيضاً على المرض، ولكنه بالفعل قُتل.

they also contain the disease, but it has already been killed.

قُتل ما لا يقل عن 50 راكبًا.

No fewer than 50 passengers were killed.

وقد قُتل من قبل طفل ثري بسيارة كاديلاك.

and he got murdered by a rich kid with a Cadillac.

بالطبع نزل المحتجون للشوارع و قُتل المئات منهم و

Of course, protesters went to the streets, hundreds of them died and thousands were sent

قُتل ٢٩ فلسطينيًا في أحد مساجد الخليل عام ١٩٩٤.

29 Palestinians were killed in a Hebron mosque in 1994.

والفأس ، وكما تتوقع ، قُتل جميع رفاقه المختارين ، وكل حراسه الشخصيين

and axe blows, and as you would expect, all his chosen companions, all his bodyguard,

قُتل القنصل بولس، نائب البضائع، ماركوس مينوسيوس روفوس في المعركة ؛

Consul Paullus, proconsul Servilius, and Marcus Minucius Rufus were killed in the battle,

قُتل عشرات الآلاف، بينما أعاد أيتيوس توطين الناجين قسراً في الجنوب

Tens of thousands were killed, while Aetius  forcibly resettled the survivors south a  

خلال مئة يوم فحسب قُتل مليون مواطن على يد مناجل جيرانهم

In just 100 days, almost 1 million people died by their neighbours machetes.

بعد فترة وجيزة من عودتهم إلى فرنسا ، قُتل الجنرال ديزيكس في معركة مارينغو ،

Soon after their return to France, General  Desaix was killed at the Battle of Marengo,  

قُتل الملك أولاف وهو يقاتل في الصفوف الأمامية وأسقطته سلسلة من ضربات الرمح

King Olaf is killed fighting in the front rank and is brought down by a series of spear

بدافع الشعور بالذنب أو اليأس ، أو بشكل أقل معقولية ، قُتل على يد عملاء الملك الفرنسي.

out of guilt or despair, or less plausibly,  was murdered by French royalist agents.