Translation of "طاقته" in English

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Examples of using "طاقته" in a sentence and their english translations:

‫عليه ادّخار طاقته.‬

He must save his energy.

ولقاء شخص آخر استخدم طاقته الإبداعية

And meeting another person who had used his creative energy

استنفذ خط الأفلاق طاقته وهو على وشك الانهيار

Exausted, the Valahian line is on the verge of collapse.

بدلاً من إنفاق طاقته الإبداعية لتغيير نفسه، ولإخفائها،

Instead of expending his creative energy to change himself, and to cover,

واستنفذ طاقته بسبب المطاردة المستمرة للماراتا على الأراضي المحروقة

up, being steadily exhausted by the constant chasing of the Marathas over devastated territories

وذلك لأنه استخدم طاقته... لم يعتذر عن كونه نفسه.

And it's because he used his energy - he didn't apologize for himself.

يعني "12 02" أن كمبيوتر التوجيه كان محملاً فوق طاقته.

‘12 02’ meant the guidance computer was overloaded.

طاقته وجهوده الكبيرة فى الإستطلاع جعلته في هذه المكانة طوال الوقت.

His high Explore energy kept him in this space at all times.

بدلاً من ذلك، بذل طاقته في بناء مجتمع من الطلاب المتفانين

he instead put his energy into building a community of dedicated students

عاد إلى فرنسا للتعافي ، لكنه لم يعد هو نفسه مرة أخرى. ذهبت طاقته وحماسته.

He returned to France to recover, but was never  the same again. His energy and zeal were gone.