Translation of "صُمِّمَ" in English

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Examples of using "صُمِّمَ" in a sentence and their english translations:

بنوع الترفيه الذي صُمِّمَ لجعلهم يشعرون بالسوء.

the kind of entertainment that's designed to make them feel bad.

الرعب هو نوع من الترفيه صُمِّمَ لإخافة الناس،

Horror is a kind of entertainment that's designed to spook people,

هذا غريب لأن الرعب بتعريفه صُمِّمَ لجعل جمهوره يشعر بالسوء.

It's weird because horror is by definition designed to make its audience feel bad.