Translation of "Sos" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Sos" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Sos falso.
- Sos falsa.

You are two-faced.

- Eres inteligente.
- Sos inteligente.
- Sos listo.
- Sos lista.
- Eres lista.

- You're clever.
- You're smart.

¿Sos homosexual?

Are you gay?

Sos maestro.

You are a teacher.

Sos profesor.

- You are a teacher.
- You're a teacher.

Sos grande.

- You are big.
- You're big.

Sos carismático.

You're charismatic.

Sos loco.

- You are crazy.
- You are mad.
- You're crazy.

¿Sos cantante?

Are you a singer?

¡Sos divertido!

You're funny!

- Eres inteligente.
- Sos inteligente.
- Sos listo.
- Eres listo.

- You're clever.
- You're smart.

"¿Sos boludo vos?".

"You are an idiot or what?"

¿Sos un estudiante?

Are you a student?

¿Vos sos árabe?

Are you an Arab?

¿Todavía sos virgen?

Are you still a virgin?

¡Sos un grosero!

You are rude!

Sos muy estúpido.

- You are so stupid.
- You're so stupid.

Sos bastante bolacero.

You're quite a liar.

Sos un mojigato.

- You're a prude.
- You are a prude.

Sos un mentiroso.

- You're a liar.
- You are a liar.

Sos mi héroe.

- You are my hero.
- You're my hero.
- You're my heroine.

Sos un soñador.

You're a dreamer.

¡Sos demasiado flaca!

- You are too skinny!
- You're too skinny.

No sos normal.

You're not normal.

Sos muy ingenuo.

You're too naive.

Sos el mejor.

- You're the best.
- You're the greatest.
- You are the best.
- You lead the way.

¿Sos del barrio?

Are you from the neighbourhood?

Sos muy generoso.

You're very kind.

Sos muy pesimista.

You're far too pessimistic.

Sos muy fea.

You're so evil!

Sos muy elegante.

- You're very stylish.
- You're very sophisticated.

Sos un caballero.

You're a gentleman.

Sos muy inmaduro.

You're so immature.

Sos muy terco.

You're so stubborn.

¿Vos sos estadounidense?

Are you an American?

No sos japonés.

You aren't Japanese.

Sos muy flaco.

You're so thin.

No sos gordo.

- You're not fat.
- You aren't fat.

Sos un caprichoso.

You're a freak.

Sos un amigo.

You're a friend.

Sos un perdedor.

You're a loser.

Sos un cerdo.

You're a pig.

Sos un machista.

You're a sexist.

Sos un chorro.

- You're a thief.
- You are a thief.

Sos un adulto.

You're an adult.

Sos mi favorito.

You're my favorite.

No sos gracioso.

- It's not funny.
- You aren't funny.
- You are not funny.

No sos Dios.

You're not God.

No sos culpable.

- You're not guilty.
- You aren't guilty.

No sos perfecto.

You're not perfect.

No sos responsable.

You're not responsible.

No sos especial.

You aren't special.

Sos muy egoísta.

You're so selfish.

Sos demasiado borracho.

You're too drunk.

Sos demasiado generoso.

You're too generous.

Sos demasiado modesto.

You're too modest.

Sos demasiado alto.

You're too tall.

Sos demasiado débil.

You're too weak.

Sos muy atractivo.

You're very attractive.

Sos un langa.

You're cool.

Sos muy hipócrita.

You're such a hypocrite.

¿No sos chef?

Aren't you a chef?

Sos un bagayero.

You like ugly people.

¡Sos un canalla!

You're a scoundrel!

Sos un falso.

You're a lie.

¿Sos un fantasma?

Are you a ghost?

Sos un pecador.

- You are a sinner.
- You're a sinner.

Sos un asqueroso.

You're such a pig.

- Sos fea.
- Sos feo.
- Eres feo.
- Tú eres feo.

- You're ugly.
- You are ugly.

- "¿Sos sueco?" "No, soy suizo."
- "¿Sos sueco?" "No, suizo."

"Are you Swedish?" "No, Swiss."

- Eres inteligente.
- Sos inteligente.
- Son inteligentes.
- Sos listo.
- Eres listo.
- Son listos.
- Sos lista.
- Eres lista.

- You're bright.
- You're smart.

- Sos inservible.
- Sos un cero a la izquierda.
- No servís para nada.
- Sos bueno para nada.

You're useless.

- Tú eres un profesor.
- Tú eres una profesora.
- Sos profesor.
- Sos una maestra.
- Sos un maestro.

- You are a teacher.
- You're a teacher.
- You teach.

- ¿Sos chino?
- ¿Eres chino?

Are you Chinese?

¡Qué imbécil que sos!

- You're such an idiot!
- What an idiot you are!

¡Realmente sos un ángel!

You're really an angel!

Sos muy buena artista.

You are a very good artist.

¡Qué metida que sos!

You're so nosy.

¡No sos el único!

You're not the only one!