Translation of "Pertenece" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Pertenece" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Eso le pertenece.
- Eso le pertenece a él.

- It's his.
- That's his.

Nada pertenece a nada, todo pertenece a todos.

Nothing belongs to nothing, everything belongs to all.

- Aquella casa me pertenece.
- Esa casa me pertenece a mí.
- Esa casa me pertenece.

That house belongs to me.

Eso me pertenece.

- That's mine.
- That belongs to me.
- That's mine!

Ahora me pertenece.

It belongs to me now.

Eso nos pertenece.

That belongs to us.

- Creo que esto te pertenece.
- Creo que esto les pertenece.

- I think this belongs to you.
- I think this is yours.

- Aquella casa me pertenece.
- Esa casa me pertenece a mí.

- That house belongs to me.
- That house is mine.
- This is my home.
- This is my house.
- That is my house.

¿A quién pertenece esto?

Who does this belong to?

Esto pertenece al pasado.

These things belong to the past.

Este libro te pertenece.

This book belongs to you.

Este libro os pertenece.

This book belongs to them.

Esta propiedad nos pertenece.

We own this property.

¿A quién le pertenece?

- Who does this belong to?
- Who does it belong to?

Esta bicicleta me pertenece.

This bicycle is mine.

Este edificio nos pertenece.

This building belongs to us.

Esa casa me pertenece.

That house is mine.

Pertenece exclusivamente a vietnam.

belongs exclusively to Vietnam.

Me pertenece esta propiedad.

I own this property.

Esta tienda me pertenece.

- I own this store.
- This shop belongs to me.

Aquella casa me pertenece.

- That house belongs to me.
- That house is mine.

Tu alma me pertenece.

Your soul belongs to me.

Este coche te pertenece.

This car belongs to you.

Ese paraguas me pertenece.

That umbrella belongs to me.

Pertenece al cuerpo diplomático.

He belongs to the diplomatic corps.

Esta cámara me pertenece.

This camera belongs to me.

Este libro me pertenece.

This book belongs to me.

Esta muñeca me pertenece.

This doll belongs to me.

Esta raqueta me pertenece.

This racket belongs to me.

El coche me pertenece.

I own this car.

Tom no pertenece aquí.

Tom doesn't belong here.

Tom pertenece con nosotros.

Tom belongs with us.

¿A quién pertenece eso?

- Who does this belong to?
- Who does that belong to?

Eso no nos pertenece.

That doesn't belong to us.

Ese cofre me pertenece.

That chest belongs to me.

- ¿A quién le pertenece este terreno?
- ¿A quién pertenece esta tierra?

- Who owns this land?
- Who does this land belong to?

- ¿A quién pertenece esto?
- ¿A quién pertenece?
- Esto, ¿de quién es?

- Whose is this?
- Whose is it?

- Este libro es tuyo.
- Este libro te pertenece.
- Este libro le pertenece.

This book belongs to you.

Y esa herramienta les pertenece.

And that tool belongs to you.

Creo que esto me pertenece.

I think this belongs to me.

¿A quién pertenece este paraguas?

To whom does this umbrella belong?

Creo que esto les pertenece.

I think this belongs to you.

Creo que esto te pertenece.

I think this belongs to you.

Este libro pertenece a Tom.

This book belongs to Tom.

Creo que eso me pertenece.

- I believe that belongs to me.
- I think that belongs to me.

Tom pertenece a la cárcel.

Tom belongs in prison.

La rosa pertenece a Teodoro.

The rose belongs to Theodore.

Esa granja pertenece a Tom.

That farm belongs to Tom.

¿A quién pertenece este coche?

- Whose car is this?
- Whose is this car?

Reclamaré lo que me pertenece.

- I'll take what's mine.
- I'll take what belongs to me.
- I'll be taking what belongs to me.

Mi vida no me pertenece.

My life does not belong to me.

Pero no me pertenece a mí.

but it doesn't actually belong to me.

Lo tradicional nos pertenece a todos,

The traditional belongs to all of us,

Masao pertenece al club de tenis.

Masao belongs to the tennis club.

Él pertenece al club de música.

He belongs to the music club.

El humano pertenece a los mamíferos.

Humans belong to the mammals.

Él pertenece a una familia numerosa.

He belongs to a large family.

Este diccionario pertenece a mi hermana.

This dictionary is my sister's.

Esta estatua le pertenece a Tomás.

This statue belongs to Tom.

- Ahora es mío.
- Ahora me pertenece.

- It belongs to me now.
- It's mine now.

Él no pertenece a la ciudad.

He does not belong in the city.

La ballena pertenece a los mamíferos.

The whale belongs to the zoological order of mammals.

Esta casa pertenece a mi tío.

This house belongs to my uncle.

¿Sabes a quien le pertenece esto?

Do you know who this belongs to?

Esto le pertenece a mi hermano.

- It belongs to my brother.
- That belongs to my brother.

Este edificio pertenece a mi familia.

This building belongs to my family.

El cuchillo le pertenece al jardinero.

The knife belongs to the gardener.

El dinero pertenece a la compañía.

The money belongs to the company.

A la casa pertenece un jardín.

The garden belongs to the house.

Ninguno de estos coches me pertenece.

None of these cars are mine.

Este libro pertenece a la biblioteca.

This book belongs to the library.

¿A quién le pertenece el arma?

Who does the gun belong to?

Esa casa le pertenece a él.

That house belongs to him.

Esa casa me pertenece a mí.

That house belongs to me.

El mundo pertenece a los valientes.

The world belongs to the courageous.