Translation of "Mutuamente" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Mutuamente" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Nos dañamos mutuamente?

Do we hurt each other?

Se admiran mutuamente.

They admire each other.

Se sonrieron mutuamente.

- They smiled at each other.
- They smiled at one another.

Se ayudaban mutuamente.

They helped each other.

Se abrazaron mutuamente.

They embraced.

Se admiraban mutuamente.

They admired each other.

Ellos se acusaron mutuamente.

They accused each other.

Ellos están mutuamente enamorados.

They're in love with each other.

Los gemelos se parecen mutuamente.

The twins do resemble each other.

Los amigos deben ayudarse mutuamente.

Friends should help one another.

Mis padres se aman mutuamente.

Both of my parents love each other.

Ayúdense mutuamente con la tarea.

- They helped one another with their homework.
- They helped each other with homework.
- Help each other with homework.

- Tom y Mary se echan una mano mutuamente.
- Tom y Mary se ayudan mutuamente.

Tom and Mary help each other out.

Las dos cualidades son mutuamente exclusivas.

The two qualities are mutually exclusive.

Ellos se habían ayudado mutuamente antes.

They had once helped each other.

Ellos se comunican mutuamente por correo.

They communicate with each other by mail.

Tom y Mary se miraron mutuamente.

Tom and Mary looked at each other.

Tom y yo nos ayudamos mutuamente.

Tom and I help each other.

Todas las naciones deberían ayudarse mutuamente.

Every nation should help each other.

Tom y Mary se despreciaban mutuamente.

Tom and Mary despised each other.

Necesitamos comenzar a escuchar mutuamente nuestras historias.

We need to start listening, listening to each other's stories.

Escojamos aprovechar la IA y amarnos mutuamente.

So let us choose to embrace AI and to love one another.

Yo sé que ellos se aman mutuamente.

- I know they're in love with each other.
- I know that they're in love with each other.

Se ayudaron mutuamente a hacer los deberes.

They helped each other do homework.

A lo mejor nos podemos ayudar mutuamente.

Maybe we can help each other out.

Este hombre y su mujer se ayudaron mutuamente.

The man and his wife helped each other.

- Se sonrieron el uno al otro.
- Se sonrieron mutuamente.

- They smiled at each other.
- They smiled at one another.

Tom y Mary se ayudaron mutuamente con los deberes.

Tom and Mary helped each other with their homework.

Tom y Mary se miraron mutuamente, y luego a John.

Tom and Mary looked at each other and then at John.

Si encontráis cosas que os interesen mutuamente, podréis llevaros bien.

Find mutual interests, and you will get along with each other.

- Nos amamos mutuamente.
- Yo te amo y viceversa.
- Nuestro amor es mutuo.

I love you and vice versa.

Para poder entenderse mutuamente, ¿no sería mejor conversarlo bien entre los dos?

Wouldn't it be better to talk it out so that you both understand each other's feelings?

Vamos, que, aunque ambos países acerquen posturas y se apoyen mutuamente contra EEUU

Come on, Although both countries address positions and support each other against the United States

Tom y Mary se miraron mutuamente y luego volvieron la vista a John.

Tom and Mary looked at each other and then back at John.

Llegamos a la conclusión de que era esencial ayudarse mutuamente para alcanzar la meta.

We concluded that mutual aid was essential for attaining the goal.

- Nos amamos el uno al otro.
- Nos queremos el uno al otro.
- Nos amamos mutuamente.

We love each other.

El amor es cuando dos se aman mutuamente. Cuando solo uno ama es una enfermedad.

Love is when both love mutually. When one loves is a disease.

- Los dos hombres se acusaron mutuamente.
- Los dos hombres se acusaron el uno al otro.

The two men accused each other.

Bajo la sombra de un roble, Tomás y María se recitaron mutuamente haikus todo el día.

Under the shadow of the oak tree, Tom and Mary recited haiku to each other all day long.

- Las dos cosas no son necesariamente mutuamente excluyentes.
- Las dos cosas no se excluyen necesariamente la una a la otra.

The two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

En lugar de hacernos mutuamente regalos de Navidad este año, donamos la cantidad que habríamos gastado en regalos para obras de caridad.

- Instead of giving each other Christmas presents this year, we donated the amount we would have spent on presents to a charity.
- Instead of giving each other Christmas presents this year, we donated the amount we would've spent on presents to a charity.

El matrimonio no es placer, es el sacrificio del placer, es el estudio de dos almas que de ahora en adelante siempre tendrán que contentarse mutuamente.

Marriage is not pleasure, it is the sacrifice of pleasure, it is the study of two souls who will henceforth always have to be content with each other.

Vine aquí a buscar un nuevo comienzo para Estados Unidos y musulmanes alrededor del mundo, que se base en intereses mutuos y el respeto mutuo; y que se base en el hecho de que Estados Unidos y el Islam no se excluyen mutuamente y no es necesario que compitan. Por el contrario: coinciden en parte y tienen principios comunes, principios de justicia, progreso, tolerancia y la dignidad de todos los seres humanos.

- I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.
- I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that the United States and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.