Translation of "Haría" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Haría" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Haría cualquier cosa por ti.
- Haría cualquier cosa por usted.
- Haría cualquier cosa por ustedes.
- Haría cualquier cosa por vosotros.
- Haría cualquier cosa por vosotras.

I'd do anything for you.

Haría dinero ahora

would make money now

¿Qué haría Jesús?

What would Jesus do?

¿Quién haría eso?

- Who would do that?
- Who would be doing that?

Tom lo haría.

Tom would do it.

- Jamás haría tal cosa.
- Yo nunca haría algo así.

- I would never do such a thing.
- I'd never do a thing like that.
- I'd never do such a thing.

- Haría cualquier cosa por ti.
- Haría cualquier cosa por vosotros.
- Haría cualquier cosa por vosotras.

- I would do anything for you.
- I'd do anything for you.

- Dijo que nunca haría eso.
- Dijo que nunca lo haría.
- Él dijo que nunca haría eso.
- Él dijo que nunca lo haría.

He said he'd never do that.

- ¿Qué haría yo sin vosotros?
- ¿Qué haría yo sin ti?

What would I do without you?

- Haría cualquier cosa por ustedes.
- Haría cualquier cosa por vosotros.

- I would do anything for you.
- I'd do anything for you.
- He'd do anything for you.
- She'd do anything for you.
- He would do anything for you.
- She would do anything for you.

- No haría eso sin vos.
- No lo haría sin ti.

I wouldn't do that without you.

- Decidí que no haría eso.
- Decidí que no lo haría.

- I decided that I wouldn't do that.
- I decided I wouldn't do that.

¿qué pensarían que haría?

what would you think that they would do?

Tom no haría eso.

- Tom wouldn't do that.
- Tom wouldn't do this.

¿Quién haría algo así?

Who would do something like this?

Tom jamás haría eso.

- Tom would never do that.
- Tom would never do that!

¿Eso te haría feliz?

Would that make you happy?

Si podría, lo haría.

If I could, I would.

Haría casi cualquier cosa.

I'd do almost anything.

Yo no lo haría.

I wouldn't do it.

Yo jamás haría eso.

There's no way I'm going to do that.

Lo haría si pudiera.

I would do it if I could.

Tom no haría esto.

Tom wouldn't do this.

¿Que haría para vivir?

What would I do for a living?

¿Qué te haría feliz?

What would make you happy?

¿Por qué lo haría?

Why would he do that?

- Yo que tú no lo haría.
- Si yo fuera tú no lo haría.
- Yo de ti no lo haría.
- Yo no haría eso si fuera vos.
- No haría eso si fuera tú.
- Si yo fuera usted, no lo haría.

- If I were you, I wouldn't do it.
- If I were in your place, I would not do so.
- If I were you, I should not do such a thing.
- I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- I wouldn't do it if I were you.
- If I were you, I wouldn't do so.
- If I were you, I would not do it.

- Yo que tú no lo haría.
- Si yo fuera tú no lo haría.
- Yo de ti no lo haría.

I wouldn't do it if I were you.

Que el que haría antes.

that it did before.

Haría cualquier cosa menos eso.

I would do anything but that.

¿Qué haría yo sin vosotros?

What would I do without you?

Haría cualquier cosa por usted.

- I would do anything for you.
- I'd do anything for you.
- He'd do anything for you.
- She'd do anything for you.
- He would do anything for you.
- She would do anything for you.

¿Por qué alguien haría eso?

Why would someone do that?

Haría cualquier cosa por ella.

- I'd do anything for her.
- I would do anything for her.

Ella haría a todos felices.

- He would make everyone happy.
- She would make everyone happy.

¿Por qué haría Tom eso?

Why would Tom do that?

Mary nunca haría nada semejante.

Mary would never do something like that.

¿Qué piensa usted que haría?

What do you think you'd do?

Dije que la haría feliz.

I said I would make her happy.

¡¿Qué haría yo si murieras?!

What would I do if you died?!

Yo sé lo que haría.

- I know what I would do.
- I know what I'd do.

Haría cualquier cosa por ti.

- I would do anything for you.
- I'd do anything for you.
- He'd do anything for you.
- She'd do anything for you.
- He would do anything for you.
- She would do anything for you.

¿Por qué diablos haría eso?

Why the hell would he do that?

Tom no haría algo así.

Tom wouldn't have done something like that.

No haría eso sin vos.

I wouldn't do that without you.

¿Quién haría una estupidez así?

Who would do such a stupid thing?

Yo nunca les haría eso.

I'd never do that to them.

¿Por qué haría algo así?

Why would I do such a thing?

Nada me haría más feliz.

Nothing would make me happier.

Haría cualquier cosa por vosotras.

- I would do anything for you.
- I'd do anything for you.
- He'd do anything for you.
- She'd do anything for you.
- He would do anything for you.
- She would do anything for you.

No lo haría sin ti.

I wouldn't do that without you.

Ella juró que haría eso.

She swore she'd do that.

Prometió que lo haría mañana.

She promised she'll do that tomorrow.

Otra cosa que haría es

Another thing that I would do is

- No sé que haría yo sin esto.
- No sé que haría sin esto.

I don't know what I'd do without this.

- Usted haría lo mismo si fuera yo.
- Ella haría lo mismo si fuera yo.

You'd do the same thing if you were me.

- ¿Por qué crees que Tom haría eso?
- ¿Por qué piensas que Tom haría eso?

Why do you think Tom would do that?

- ¿Por qué crees que Tom haría esto?
- ¿Por qué piensas que Tom haría esto?

Why do you think Tom would do this?

- Nunca me imaginé que él me haría eso.
- Nunca pensé que me haría eso.

I never imagined he'd do that to me.

- Si tuviese tiempo para hacerlo, lo haría.
- Si tuviera tiempo de hacerlo, lo haría.

If I had time to do that, I would.

- Yo en tu lugar no haría una cosa así.
- Yo que tú no haría una cosa así.
- Yo que tú no haría algo así.
- Yo en tu lugar no haría algo así.

- If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing.
- Were I you, I would not do such a thing.

Tal como un adolescente lo haría:

you know, just like an adolescent kid does:

¿O que haría un escritor ahora?

Or what would a writer be doing now?

¿Qué persona honrada haría algo así?

Who that is honest will do such a thing?

Mary dijo que haría los deberes.

Mary said she would do her homework.

Haría cualquier cosa para verla contenta.

I will do anything to please her.

Un caballero no haría algo así.

A gentleman wouldn't do such a thing.

Si hubiera miedo, haría que falláramos.

If there be fear, it would cause failure.

Si fuera cierto, ¿qué haría usted?

If that were true, what would you do?

¿Y por qué yo haría eso?

And why would I do that?

Haría lo que fuera por amor.

I would do anything for love.

Cantar para ti me haría feliz.

I'd be happy to sing for you.

Pensé que eso la haría reír.

- I thought it would make him laugh.
- I thought it would make her laugh.

Tom no haría nunca algo así.

Tom would never do such a thing.

¿Qué haría usted en mi lugar?

What would you do in my place?

¿Qué haría si vinieran de verdad?

What would I do if they really came?

Se haría si consiguiera que México

is if he got Mexico

Por tu amor, haría cualquier cosa.

For your love, I would do anything.

Yo que tú no lo haría.

- I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- I wouldn't do it if I were you.

Nunca pensé que me haría eso.

I never imagined he'd do that to me.