Translation of "Entorno" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Entorno" in a sentence and their english translations:

El entorno no solo incluye el entorno físico,

The environment does not only include the physical part,

Nuestro entorno importa.

Our environment matters.

Mi entorno interno debía interactuar con mi entorno externo.

my internal environment had to interact with my external environment.

Más mi entorno interno comenzaba a reflejar mi entorno externo.

the more my internal environment began to reflect my external environment.

Contra nuestro entorno moderno,

versus our modern environment,

Y el entorno familiar.

and kind of the home environment.

Y responden al entorno.

they're responsive to the environment.

No responde al entorno

it's not responding to your environment;

Que están gobernados por el entorno y responden a señales del entorno,

often ruled by the environment and reacting to its signs

"entorno", que es el ambiente;

'setting', which is the environment;

Su entorno laboral, familiar, etc.

their working environment, family, etc.

El entorno era extremadamente áspero,

The environment was extremely harsh,

No está respondiendo al entorno

isn't responding to the environment,

Y no estropear su entorno

and not to spoil their environment

Turberas en el entorno polar

Peatlands in polar environments

Somos influidos por nuestro entorno.

- We are influenced by our environment.
- We're influenced by our environment.

El entorno pesa tanto en nosotros

The environment has such a weight on us,

Recreé el entorno del TechCrunch Disrupt

Simulating the TechCrunch Disrupt environment,

Incluso molestarlos en su entorno natural

even annoying them in their natural environment

Y si lo dice nuestro entorno

And if it is said by our environment

O tú mismo determinas el entorno

Or you determine the environment yourself

Todo en su entorno es gris.

Everything around him is gray.

El entorno social, la gente que conocemos,

The social environment, the people we meet

Tres grandes metáforas en nuestro entorno actualmente.

three of the big metaphors that are around at the moment.

Sugiriendo que la energía proviene del entorno

suggesting to you that energy is coming in from outside,

El entorno parece tener también un peso.

the environment seems to be important too.

Estos niños son inmunes a su entorno.

These kids are immune to their surroundings.

Se trata de arreglar el entorno alimenticio.

It's about fixing the food environment.

Plantar bosques es bueno para el entorno.

Planting forests is good for the environment.

Este es un buen entorno de aprendizaje.

This is a good learning environment.

Pueden venir de un entorno familiar negativo.

They can come from a negative family environment.

Ese estereotipo y esa creencia de nuestro entorno.

that stereotype and that belief from our environment.

Vengo de un entorno con un escenario plagado

I come from an environment where the visual landscape was dominated

Él podía correr desenfrenado y controlar el entorno,

He could run rampant and control the environment,

Mis padres vienen de un entorno familiar pobre

My parents come from a poor family background

Nuestro carácter se ve afectado por el entorno.

Our character is affected by the environment.

Él se acostumbró rápidamente a su nuevo entorno.

He soon got used to the new surroundings.

El paisaje en este entorno es muy bonito.

The scenery around here is very beautiful.

El entorno de trabajo de Tom era bueno.

Tom's work environment was good.

Y estarás en un entorno tipo centro comercial

and you'll be in a mall type of setting

La preparación, el entorno, la dosis y el ambiente

So set, setting, safety, and dosage

Pero el entorno del que vienes puede influir muchísimo

But the environment from which you come can have a huge influence

Pues bien, había muchas mentes ambiciosas en este entorno

Now there were many ambitious minds in this environment,

¿conseguiría deshacerse del anillo sin Sam en su entorno?

would he be able to get rid of the ring without Sam next to him?

Sin darnos cuenta, todo el entorno se vuelve negativo.

All of a sudden, the entire environment becomes negative.

Ahora conocemos miles de planetas entorno a otras estrellas

By now we know thousands planets around other stars

Transformen por completo el entorno físico de nuestro planeta,

to completely transform the physical environment of our planet,

Eso implicaría amor en un entorno cuidado y seguro

It would involve love in a nurturing and safe environment

Y decidió usar un simple cambio en el entorno

So she decided to introduce a small change in the environment

El entorno tiene el efecto de bloqueamos o alentarnos.

our environment has an effect on whether we choke or thrive.

El entorno en el que creciste determina tu carácter

the environment you grew determines your character

De esta manera, en muchos lugares del entorno natural.

In this way, in many places in the natural environment

La familia se adaptó rápidamente a su nuevo entorno.

The family assimilated quickly into their new environment.

Algunos insectos pueden adoptar el color de su entorno.

Some insects can take on the color of their surroundings.

A ella le costó adaptarse a su nuevo entorno.

She found it difficult to adapt herself to her new entourage.

Que no es de este entorno, retrate este ambiente.

who's not from this world to portray this world.

Porque sentimos cómo nos golpea el aire frío del entorno,

because we realized when the cold air of the environment hit us -

Es que cambiamos su entorno para adaptarlo a su meta.

is that we changed his environment to match his goal.

El entorno puede impedirnos actuar u obligarnos hacer cosas estúpidas,

The environment can stop us from acting or make us do stupid things,

De manera que entrar en ese entorno dispara la conducta.

so entering that environment triggers that behavior.

Y que están comprometidas a sumarse al entorno de liderazgo.

and are committed to their joining of leadership.

Pero la ciencia muestra también que, en un entorno justo,

but science also shows that in a fair environment,

Tom tenía suerte de haber crecido en un entorno multilingüe.

Tom was lucky to grow up in a multilingual environment.

El consumismo exacerbado en algunos países afecta al entorno natural.

Excessive consumerism in some countries affects the natural environment.

La inteligencia es la capacidad de hacerle frente al entorno.

Intelligence is the ability to cope with environment.

Y nuestro barrio, nuestro entorno, es muy importante para nuestra salud.

and our neighborhood, our environment, is very important for our health.

Pero tienen que ser capaces de vivir en un entorno hostil,

But they have to be capable of living in a hostile environment,

Y más allá de la evaluación de riesgos en nuestro entorno,

and beyond sort of evaluating risk in our environment,

Las cosas cambian en nuestro entorno, ya sea interna o externamente.

So things change in our environment, internally or externally -

Como mencionaba, son muy importantes para que respondamos a nuestro entorno.

So as I said, they're really important in this responding to our environment.

El sistema inmune crea un pequeño entorno de células y proteínas

the immune system creates a small environment of cells and proteins

El virus no siempre se produce en un entorno de laboratorio.

The virus is not always something to be produced in a laboratory environment.

Estás mirando allí tales flores que crecen en un entorno natural

you are looking at there such flowers there are grown in natural environment

Para conocer mejor su entorno, tuve que ir todos los días.

It took going in every day to really get to know her environment better.

Un incremento en el número de coches afectará al entorno urbano.

An increase in the number of cars will affect the urban environment.

Con el paso del tiempo él se acostumbró al nuevo entorno.

Over time, he got used to the new environment.

Como se suele decir, es difícil adaptarse a un nuevo entorno.

As is often said, it is difficult to adjust yourself to a new environment.

- Nuestro ambiente de trabajo era bueno.
- Nuestro entorno laboral fue bueno.

Our working environment was good.

Hicimos que su entorno trabajara para él, y no en su contra.

We made his environment work for him, instead of against him.

De este modo, el entorno funciona a favor y no en contra.

That's how you make your environment work for you, instead of against you.

Mi raza, mi entorno y oportunidades me colocan en una élite privilegiada.

My race, background and opportunities mark me as one of the privileged elite.

Les roba su potencial, tan solo con tenerla en el entorno laboral.

It robs people of their potential, even if they are just working around it.

Los hombres y las mujeres no pueden entrar en el mismo entorno.

Men and women cannot enter the same environment

Nacional entorno a la religión. Fijaos, según la Agencia de Noticias Iraní

environment around religion. Look... In according to the Iranian News Agency

Quejarse de algo es una manera de adaptarse a un nuevo entorno.

Complaining about something is one way to adapt yourself to a new environment.

Siempre que se controle la preparación, el entorno, la dosis y la seguridad.

so long as set, setting, dosage, and safety were managed.

Sobre cómo los barrios afectan a la salud, no sólo el entorno social,

on how neighborhoods affect health, not just the social environment,

Si todos hicieran que el entorno trabaje a favor y no en contra,

If everybody had their environment working for them, instead of against them,

Esos conflictos pueden ocurrir con el entorno o dentro de nuestra propia mente.

Those conflicts can happen with our surroundings or inside our own minds.