Translation of "Encontrarlo" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Encontrarlo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Dónde encontrarlo.

, at least for Laura .

¿Puedes encontrarlo?

Can you find it?

Debo encontrarlo.

I must find out.

Trata de encontrarlo.

Try to find it.

No puedo encontrarlo.

I can't find it.

¿No puedes encontrarlo?

Can't you find it?

Tengo que encontrarlo.

- I have to find it.
- I must find it.
- I've got to find it.

Tenemos que encontrarlo.

We have to find it.

No logro encontrarlo.

I can't find it.

encontrarlo lo antes posible.

find them as soon as possible.

¿Podrías ayudarme a encontrarlo?

Could you help me to find it?

¿Puedes ayudarme a encontrarlo?

Can you help me find it?

No sabemos cómo encontrarlo.

We don't know how to find him.

Tuviste suerte de encontrarlo.

You were lucky to find it.

Tom no pudo encontrarlo.

Tom couldn't find it.

Tu trabajo es encontrarlo.

It's your job to find it.

- Estoy seguro de que podré encontrarlo.
- Estoy segura de que podré encontrarlo.

I'm sure I'll be able to find it.

Debe volver para encontrarlo. Sola.

She must return to find it... alone.

Me tomó varias horas encontrarlo.

It took me several hours to find it.

Me sorprendió mucho encontrarlo disfrazado.

I was very surprised to find him in disguise.

Tenemos una hora para encontrarlo.

We've got one hour to find him.

Necesito que me ayudes a encontrarlo.

I need you to help me find it.

Estoy segura de que podré encontrarlo.

I'm sure I'll be able to find it.

- No pude encontrarlo.
- No pude hallarlo.

I couldn't find it.

- No conseguí encontrarlo.
- No conseguí hallarlo.

I couldn't find it.

- Lo acabo de encontrar.
- Acabo de encontrarlo.

I just found it.

Puede encontrarlo en, y puedes literalmente,

You can find it at, and you can literally,

Debemos encontrarlo antes de que cometa una estupidez.

We've got to find him before he does something stupid.

- ¿Sabés dónde puedo encontrarlo?
- ¿Sabes dónde lo puedo encontrar?

Do you know where I can find it?

Por más que buscaba el libro, no podía encontrarlo.

However much I searched, I could not find the book.

He buscado por todas partes, pero no puedo encontrarlo.

I've looked everywhere, but can't find it.

Busqué por todos lados mi encendedor, pero no pude encontrarlo.

I searched high and low for my lighter but couldn't find it.

- Voy a encontrarlo.
- Lo encontraré.
- La encontraré.
- Voy a encontrarla.

- I'll find it.
- I will find her.
- I'm going to find it.
- I'm going to find him.
- I'll find her.

No vivimos allí, pero cuando nos vamos de vacaciones podemos encontrarlo

we don't live there, but when we go on vacation we can come across it

Tan sólo al encontrarlo me di cuenta de su verdadera intención.

It was only when I met him that I realized his true intention.

Nos tomó un largo tiempo, pero al fin fuimos capaces de encontrarlo.

It took us a long time, but finally we were able to find it.

- Tengo que encontrarlo.
- Tengo que juntarme con él.
- Tengo que encontrame con él.

I have to meet him.

Si hablas un buen español, no tendrás problemas en buscar un trabajo pero si algunos para encontrarlo.

If you know Spanish well, you'll have no problems with looking for a job. But some with finding one.

Si tu hablas un buen español, no tendrás ningún problema en buscar un trabajo ... ¡el truco está en encontrarlo!

If you speak good Spanish, you should have no problem looking for a job... the trick is finding one!

Tom puso de manifiesto que el niño raptado seguía con vida y le mostró a la policía dónde podían encontrarlo.

Tom revealed that the abducted child was still alive and showed the police where they could find him.

- Sé que lo tengo, pero no puedo dar con él.
- Sé que lo tengo, pero no lo encuentro.
- Sé que lo tengo, pero no logro encontrarlo.

I know I have it, but I can't put my finger on it.