Translation of "Anduvo" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Anduvo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Todo anduvo según el plan.

Everything went according to plan.

Anduvo dos millas en media hora.

He walked two miles in half an hour.

- Todo anduvo bien.
- Todo salió bien.

Everything went smoothly.

Anduvo todo el camino hasta casa.

He walked all the way home.

Él anduvo puerta a puerta pidiendo contribuciones.

He went from door to door asking for contributions.

No ganó el premio, pero le anduvo cerca.

He didn't win the prize, but he came close to it.

Anduvo lentamente de forma que los niños pudieran seguirlo.

- He walked slowly for the child to follow.
- He walked slowly so the child could follow.
- He walked slowly so the children would be able to follow.

- Todo resultó bien.
- Todo anduvo bien.
- Todo salió bien.

- Everything went smoothly.
- Everything went well.
- It went without a hitch.

- Todo anduvo según el plan.
- Todo se desarrolló según el plan.

- Everything went according to plan.
- Everything went as planned.