Translation of "¡le" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "¡le" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¿Le conoces?
- ¿Le conocéis?
- ¿Le conoce?
- ¿Ustedes le conocen?

Do you know him?

- ¿Le has invitado?
- ¿Le invitaste?
- ¿Le invitasteis?

Did you invite him?

- ¿Le conocíais?
- ¿Le conocías?
- ¿Le conocía usted?

Did you know him?

- ¿Le conocéis?
- ¿Le conoce?
- ¿Ustedes le conocen?

Do you know him?

- ¿Le conocíais?
- ¿Le conocías?

Did you know him?

- ¿Le crees?
- ¿Le creéis?

Do you believe him?

- Le informaremos.
- Le diremos.

We'll tell him.

- Le tienes miedo.
- Le tenéis miedo.
- Le tiene miedo.
- Le tienen miedo.

You're afraid of him.

- ¿Le has invitado?
- ¿Le invitaste?

Did you invite him?

- Le subestimas.
- Le estás subestimando.

You are selling him short.

- ¿Usted le dijo?
- ¿Le dijeron?

- Have you told her?
- Did you tell her?

- No le trago.
- No le soporto.
- No le aguanto.

- I can't put up with him.
- I can't stand him.

- ¿Le tienes miedo?
- ¿Le tiene miedo?

Are you afraid of it?

- Le acompañaré.
- Le mostraré la salida.

I'll walk you out.

- Le tiene miedo.
- Le tienen miedo.

- You're afraid of him.
- They're afraid of him.

- Ayer le ayudé.
- Le ayudé ayer.

I helped him yesterday.

Le escribo a Erwan Le Bourdonnec.

I write to Erwan Le Bourdonnec.

Aquellos que le conocen le aprecian.

Those who know him like him.

- Le gusta Mary.
- Le agrada Mary.

He likes Mary.

- Ella le pegó.
- Ella le golpeó.

She hit him.

- La amaba.
- Le quería.
- Le amaba.

- I loved him.
- I used to love him.

- A él le gusta pescar.
- Le encanta pescar.
- Le gusta pescar.

He is fond of fishing.

- Le di una bofetada.
- Le di un bofetón.
- Le di un cachete.
- Le di un manotazo.

- I slapped him.
- I gave him a slap.

- Le dio un tortazo.
- Le dio una bofetada.
- Le dio un cachete.
- Le dio una torta.

She gave him a slap in the face.

Le diagnosticaron...

he was diagnosed -

Le entusiasman

you are excited

¿Le creéis?

Do you believe him?

Le preguntaron.

They asked him.

¿Le conozco?

- Do I know him?
- Do I know you?

¿Le necesitáis?

Do you want him?

Le ignoré.

I gave my cold to him.

Le advertiré.

- I will warn him.
- I'll warn him.

¿Le crees?

Do you believe him?

¿Le llamaste?

Did you telephone him?

Le gustó.

She liked it.

Le perdonamos.

We forgive him.

Le cogieron.

He got caught.

¿Le conoce?

Do you know her?

¿Le gusto?

Does he like me?

¿Le invitaste?

Did you invite him?

Le vimos.

- We saw it.
- We saw him.

Le mostraré.

I'll show you.

Le quiero.

I love him.

Le creo.

I believe him.

Le odio.

I hate him.

¿Le conoces?

Do you know him?

Le acompaño.

I will come with you.

Le seguí.

I followed him.

Le llamé.

- I called him up.
- I phoned him.
- I called him.

¡Le gustas!

He likes you!

Le conoces.

You know him.

Le disparó.

She shot her.

¿Le besaste?

You kissed him?

¿Le quieres?

Do you want him?

Le advertí.

- I gave him some advice.
- I warned him.

¿Le conocías?

Did you know him?

Le gustarán.

- You're going to like her.
- You'll like her.

¡Le odio!

How I hate him!

Le escribí.

I wrote to him.

Le mataré.

- I'll kill him.
- I'm going to kill him.

¿Le dijiste?

- Did you tell him?
- Did you tell her?

Le adora

He worships him.

Le ayudo.

- I help him.
- I'm helping her.
- I help her.

Le informaremos.

We'll let him know.

Le burlé.

- I outwitted him.
- I outsmarted him.