Translation of "Skąpy" in English

0.021 sec.

Examples of using "Skąpy" in a sentence and their english translations:

Nie bądź skąpy.

Don't be stingy.

On jest trochę skąpy.

He's a bit stingy.

Tom jest bardzo skąpy.

- Tom is very stingy.
- Tom is very stingy with his money.

- Jest skąpy.
- To sknera.

He is cheap.

Odwołaj to, że jestem skąpy!

Take back what you said about me being stingy.

Jest wyjątkowo skąpy, jeśli chodzi o jego pieniądze.

He is very mean with his money.

- Jest zamożny, ale skąpy.
- Mimo swych bogactw, jest kutwą.

Despite all his wealth, he is stingy.

- To straszny sknera.
- On jest bardzo skąpy.
- To okropna kutwa.

- He is very stingy with his money.
- He's very stingy.

On ma skłonność do patrzenia na wszystko z punktu widzenia praktyczności, a nie jest ani skąpy, ani ekstrawagancki.

He is inclined to look at everything from the standpoint of its practicality and is neither stingy nor extravagant.