Translation of "Myślał" in English

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Examples of using "Myślał" in a sentence and their english translations:

Myślał o samobójstwie.

He thought he would kill himself.

Co myślał Tom?

What did Tom think?

Myślał nad wyprawą do Paryża.

He contemplated taking a trip to Paris.

Każdy myślał, że zamierzamy przegrać.

Everyone thought we were going to lose.

Tom nie myślał o Mary.

Tom didn't think about Mary.

Myślał, że jestem bardzo zmęczony.

He thought that I was very tired.

Tom myślał, że to zabawa.

- Tom thought that was amusing.
- Tom thought it was funny.

Tom myślał, że Mary spała.

Tom thought that Mary was asleep.

Tom myślał że to dobre rozwiązanie.

- Tom thought it was a good solution.
- Tom thought that it was a good solution.

Tom myślał, że jesteś w Bostonie.

- Tom thought you were in Boston.
- Tom thought that you were in Boston.

Tom myślał, że Mary go kochała.

Tom thought that Mary loved him.

Tom pewnie myślał, że byłam szczęśliwa.

Tom probably thought I was happy.

Tom myślał, że to głupi plan.

- Tom thought it was a stupid plan.
- Tom thought that it was a stupid plan.

Tom myślał, że to była bomba.

- Tom thought it was a bomb.
- Tom thought that it was a bomb.

Tom myślał, że Mary jest samotna.

- Tom thought Mary was lonely.
- Tom thought that Mary was lonely.

Tom myślał, że Mary była zajęta.

Tom thought Mary was busy.

Będąc bardzo bogatym myślał, że może wszystko.

Being very rich, he thought he could do anything.

W czasie lekcji myślał o niebieskich migdałach.

He had his head in the clouds in class.

Nie możemy przewidzieć, co Tom będzie myślał.

We can't predict what Tom is going to think.

Tom myślał, że może liczyć na Mary.

- Tom thought he could count on Mary.
- Tom thought that he could count on Mary.

Tom myślał, że Mary będzie na czas.

- Tom thought that Mary would be on time.
- Tom thought Mary would be on time.

Sytuacja była znacznie bardziej złożona, niż myślał.

The situation was much more complex than he had thought.

Myślał(e/a)ś, że nie zauważę?

You thought I wouldn't notice?

Tom myślał, że żart Mary jest zabawny.

- Tom thought Mary's joke was hilarious.
- Tom thought that Mary's joke was hilarious.

Tom znalazł klucze, które myślał, że zgubił.

- Tom found the keys he thought he had lost.
- Tom found the keys that he thought that he'd lost.
- Tom found the keys he thought that he'd lost.
- Tom found the keys that he thought he'd lost.
- Tom found the keys he thought he'd lost.

Tom nie myślał, że ktokolwiek go rozpozna.

Tom didn't think that anyone would recognize him.

Tom myślał, że zrobienie tego będzie bezpieczne.

- Tom thought it would be safe to do that.
- Tom thought that it would be safe to do that.

Tom powiedział, że myślał, że znasz Mary.

- Tom said that he thought you knew Mary.
- Tom said that he thought that you knew Mary.
- Tom said he thought that you knew Mary.

- Tom powiedział mi, że myślał, że Mary jest singielką.
- Tom powiedział mi, że myślał, że Mary jest wolna.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary was single.
- Tom told me he thought Mary was single.
- Tom told me he thought that Mary was single.
- Tom told me that he thought that Mary was single.

Tom mówi, że nigdy o tym nie myślał.

Tom says he never thought about that.

Dobry, stary Kartezjusz myślał tak dużo, że... był.

Good old Descartes thought so much that ... he was.

Myślał, że zawsze może w ostateczności rzucić pracę.

He supposed he could always quit the job in the last resort.

Tom pewnie myślał, że nie wiem, kim jest.

- Tom probably thought I didn't know who he was.
- Tom probably thought that I didn't know who he was.

Nie ma dnia, bym o tobie nie myślał.

I never spend a day without thinking of you.

Tom myślał, że nikogo nie ma w domu.

- Tom thought no one was at home.
- Tom thought nobody was at home.
- Tom thought that no one was at home.

Tom nie myślał, że to się kiedykolwiek wydarzy.

Tom didn't think that would ever happen.

Tom powiedział, że myślał, że Mary była zaskoczona.

- Tom said that he thought that Mary was surprised.
- Tom said he thought that Mary was surprised.

Tom powiedział że myślał że Maria jest zawstydzona.

- Tom said that he thought Mary was embarrassed.
- Tom said that he thought that Mary was embarrassed.
- Tom said he thought that Mary was embarrassed.

Sami myślał, że czarny kot Layli był opętany.

Sami thought Layla's black cat was demonic.

Szalenie się ucieszył, myślał, że mowa o frytkach poutine.

He got all excited because he thought I said "poutine."

Tak myślał też zresztą Wall Street Journal następnego dnia.

and so did the "Wall Street Journal" on the following day.

Tom powiedział, że myślał, iż będzie padać cały dzień.

- Tom told me that he thought it would rain all day.
- Tom told me he thought it would rain all day.
- Tom told me he thought that it would rain all day.
- Tom told me that he thought that it would rain all day.

Nigdy nie sądziłem, że będę tak o tobie myślał.

- I never imagined I'd feel this way about you.
- I never imagined that I'd feel this way about you.

Tom myślał, że nie spodoba ci się ten pomysł.

Tom didn't think you would like the idea.

Czy Tom powiedział, że myślał, że musiał to zrobić?

- Did Tom say he thought he needed to do that?
- Did Tom say he that thought he needed to do that?

Tom powiedział mi, że myślał, że Mary jest szalona.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary was insane.
- Tom told me he thought Mary was insane.
- Tom told me he thought that Mary was insane.
- Tom told me that he thought that Mary was insane.

Tom powiedział że myślał że Maria jeszcze nie śpi.

- Tom said that he thought Mary was still awake.
- Tom said that he thought that Mary was still awake.
- Tom said he thought that Mary was still awake.

Tom powiedział mi, że myślał, że Mary jest sparaliżowana.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary was paralyzed.
- Tom told me he thought that Mary was paralyzed.
- Tom told me he thought Mary was paralyzed.
- Tom told me that he thought that Mary was paralyzed.

Tom powiedział mi, że myślał, że Mary jest mądra.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary was wise.
- Tom told me he thought Mary was wise.
- Tom told me he thought that Mary was wise.
- Tom told me that he thought that Mary was wise.

- Tom powiedział, że myślał, że może będzie mógł to zrobić dzisiaj.
- Tom powiedział, że myślał, że może pozwolą mu to zrobić dzisiaj.

- Tom said that he thought that he might be allowed to do that today.
- Tom said he thought that he might be allowed to do that today.

Nie ma godziny, bym nie myślał o tobie z miłością.

- Scarcely an hour goes by that I don't I think of you with love.
- Barely an hour passes that I don't think about you with love.

Myślał(e/a)m, że Tom więcej tego nie zrobi.

- I thought Tom wouldn't do that anymore.
- I thought that Tom wouldn't do that anymore.

Tom powiedział mi, że myślał, że Mary ma skłonności samobójcze.

- Tom told me that he thought Mary was suicidal.
- Tom told me he thought that Mary was suicidal.
- Tom told me he thought Mary was suicidal.

Jak to często bywa u młodych ludzi, nie myślał o pieniądzach.

As is often the case with young people, he was indifferent to money.

Jego prawdziwym celem, który tak myślał po prostu próbuje przenieść swoje legiony w kierunku

his true destination who thought that he was simply trying to relocate his legions towards

- Tom myślał, że Mary pojawi się na dzisiejszym spotkaniu.
- Tom sądził, że Mary będzie obecna na dzisiejszym spotkaniu.

- Tom thought Mary would be present at today's meeting.
- Tom thought that Mary would be present at today's meeting.

- Tom nie powiedział nikomu, że myślał żeby to zrobić.
- Tom nie przyznał się nikomu, że zastanawiał się czy aby tego nie zrobić.

- Tom didn't tell anybody that he had thought about doing that.
- Tom didn't tell anyone that he had thought about doing that.
- Tom didn't tell anybody he had thought about doing that.
- Tom didn't tell anyone he had thought about doing that.

Tom myślał, że na przyjęciu będą obowiązywać stroje nieformalne i czuł się bardzo nieswojo, kiedy się okazało, że jako jedyny nie ma garnituru i krawata.

Tom thought the dress code for the reception was informal, and was embarrassed when he realised he was the only man not wearing a coat and tie.

- Nie pomyślałbym o tym.
- Nawet o tym nie pomyślałam.
- Nawet bym o tym nie myślał.
- Nie przyszło mi to nawet do głowy.
- Przez myśl by mi to nie przeszło.
- Nie mam takiego zamiaru.

I wouldn't think of it.