Translation of "Sivatagba" in English

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Examples of using "Sivatagba" in a sentence and their english translations:

Kambüszész küldte őket a Nyugati-sivatagba Thébából,

Cambyses sent them into the Western Desert from Thebes

Fákat ültethetnénk az Atacamába, a legszárazabb sivatagba.

We can plant trees in Atacama, the driest desert in the world.

Kellett ellene küldeni a Nyugati-sivatagba, hogy legyőzze.

had to be sent out into the Western Desert to be defeated.

Egy perzsa hadseregről szól, amit kiküldtek a Nyugati-sivatagba,

is that of a Persian army sent out into the Western Desert

Seregéből leválasztott 50 000 főt, és elküldte őket a Nyugati-sivatagba,

he split off 50,000 men of his army, and he sent them into the Western Desert