Translation of "Belefáradt" in English

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Examples of using "Belefáradt" in a sentence and their english translations:

Belefáradt, és visszafordult.

He got tired and turned back.

Belefáradt az életbe.

He got tired of life.

Mari belefáradt a férje nyavalygásába.

Mary got tired of her husband's nagging.

Tom belefáradt az olvasásba és ki akart menni játszani.

Tom got tired of reading and wanted to go outside and play.

- Tom abba belefáradt.
- Tom azzal torkig van és unja.

Tom is sick and tired of doing that.

Ennek az országnak a népe szokás szerint halálosan belefáradt a politikába.

The people of this country are sick and tired of politics as usual.