Translation of "South" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "South" in a sentence and their english translations:

Je ne dis pas South by Southwest

I'm not saying South by Southwest

Pour devenir PDG du South China Morning Post.

to become the CEO of the South China Morning Post.

Et nous avons un post sur South by Southwest

and we have a post on South by Southwest

Mais qui se soucie d'un poste à propos de South par Southwwest?

but who cares about a post about South by Southwwest?

Half of Moore's army deployed in a defensive line two miles south of the city, with two

Half of Moore’s army deployed in a defensive line two miles south of the city, with two

Le champ de gaz naturel de South Pars / North Dome, partagé entre l'Iran et le Qatar, a plus de réserves récupérables que tous les autres gisements de gaz combinés, et le monde se dirige donc vers la guerre pour voler des trillions de dollars.

The South Pars/North Dome natural gas field, shared between Iran and Qatar, has more recoverable reserves than all other gas fields combined, and, thus, the world is headed for war to steal this field worth trillions of dollars.