Translation of "Philippines" in English

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Examples of using "Philippines" in a sentence and their english translations:

Cela explique pourquoi les conversations philippines

This explains why everyday Filipino conversations

Nous opérons à Haïti et aux Philippines.

We're operating in Haiti and the Philippines.

Malaisie, les Philippines, la Thaïlande et les Maldives.

Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and the Maldives.

La Haye a statué en faveur des Philippines

Hague ruled in favor of the Philippines

Aux Philippines, presque plus personne ne parle espagnol.

In the Philippines, almost no one speaks Spanish anymore.

Qui souhaite visiter les Philippines ? C'est un tel paradis tropical !

Who wants to visit the Philippines? It is such a tropical paradise!

Nous savons comment s'appelle la montagne la plus haute des Philippines.

We know what the Philippines' highest mountain is called.

Une fille de sept ans, aux Philippines, est morte le lendemain de sa morsure.

A seven year old girl in the Philippines was bitten and died one day later.

Le drapeau de la République tchèque est presque le même que celui des Philippines.

The flag of the Czech Republic is almost the same as that of the Philippines.

Lorsque l'Espagne colonisa les Philippines, celles-ci furent administrées depuis Mexico. C'est donc l'espagnol mexicain, non le castillan, qui influença le tagalog.

When Spain colonized the Philippines, they were administrated by Mexico City. So it was Mexican Spanish, not Castilian Spanish, that influenced Tagalog.