Translation of "Wished" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Wished" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- I wished him a good night.
- I wished her a good night.

Le decía buenas noches.

Tom wished Mary good luck.

Tom le deseó buena suerte a Mary.

She wished to be beautiful.

Ella deseaba ser hermosa.

- I wished I was somewhere else.
- I wished that I was somewhere else.

Me gustaría estar en algún otro lugar.

I always wished I could dance,

Siempre me hubiera gustado desear poder bailar,

I wished him a good night.

Le di las buenas noches.

I wished her a good night.

Le dije buenas noches.

He wished he had more time.

Deseó tener más tiempo.

I wished him a good journey.

Le deseé un buen viaje.

He had wished her happy holidays.

Él le deseó a ella unas felices vacaciones.

Tom wished he'd never met Mary.

Tom deseó nunca haber conocido a Mary.

- Tom wished he had someone to talk to.
- Tom wished that he had someone to talk to.
- Tom wished he had somebody to talk to.
- Tom wished that he had somebody to talk to.

Tom deseaba tener a alguien con quien platicar.

Tom wished he had been more careful.

Tom deseó haber sido más cuidadoso.

- Tom wished he had put more money into that investment.
- Tom wished he'd put more money into that investment.
- Tom wished that he'd put more money into that investment.

Tom deseó haber puesto más dinero en esa inversión.

He wished Mary had told him the story.

Él deseó que Mary le hubiese contado la historia.

Tom wished he hadn't eaten so much pie.

Tom deseó no haberse comido tantas tortas.

Tom wished he hadn't spent so much money.

Tom deseó no haber gastado tanto dinero.

I wished it was that easy these days.

Desearía que fuera así de fácil estos días.

- Tom said he wished he hadn't left the windows open.
- Tom said that he wished he hadn't left the windows open.
- Tom said that he wished that he hadn't left the windows open.
- Tom said he wished that he hadn't left the windows open.

Tom dijo que desearía no haber dejado abiertas las ventanas.

She wished she had been born twenty years earlier.

Ella deseó haber nacido veinte años atrás.

Tom wished that he had enough money to retire.

Tom deseó tener el suficiente dinero para jubilarse.

Tom wished he'd never stepped foot into Mary's house.

Tom deseó no haber puesto nunca un pie en la casa de María.

- Tom said he wished he hadn't left his windows unlocked.
- Tom said that he wished he hadn't left his windows unlocked.
- Tom said that he wished that he hadn't left his windows unlocked.

Tom dijo que desearía no haber dejado sus ventanas sin echar el cierre.

She wished her mother would not be mad at her.

Deseó que su madre no estuviera enfadada con ella.

That is, you might say, what's wished for in the imagination.

Eso es, se podría decir, lo que deseamos en nuestra imaginación.

The guests wished the happy couple a long and prosperous life.

Los invitados desearon a la feliz pareja una larga y próspera vida.

When she got lost, she wished she had followed his advice.

Cuando se perdió, deseó haber seguido su consejo.

Tom wished that he could play tennis as well as Mary.

Tom deseaba poder jugar tenis tan bien como Mary.

This empowered couple had delivered their baby exactly as they had wished.

esta empoderada pareja había dado a luz a su bebé de la manera que querían.

I told him that I wished him a lifetime full of healing

Le dije que le deseaba una vida llena de sanación

Tom wished that his classmates would treat each other with more respect.

Tom deseaba que sus compañeros de clase se tratasen con más respeto.

- I bade good night to her.
- I wished her a good night.

Le decía buenas noches.

She kissed us on the cheek and wished us a good night.

Ella nos besó en la mejilla y nos dio las buenas noches.

- Tom said he wished that Mary and I wouldn't go out after dark by ourselves.
- Tom said that he wished Mary and I wouldn't go out after dark by ourselves.
- Tom said that he wished that Mary and I wouldn't go out after dark by ourselves.
- Tom said he wished Mary and I wouldn't go out after dark by ourselves.

Tom dijo que desearía que Mary y yo no saliéramos solos tras anochecer.

Mary wished that she could go back in time before she married Tom.

Mary deseaba poder volver en el tiempo, antes de que se casara con Tom.

She wished for a more relaxing life, but that was impossible under the circumstances.

Ella esperaba una vida más relajada, pero bajo las circunstancias eso era imposible.

Caesar assessed the situation and assembled his legates to tell them what he wished to

Caesar examinó la situación y reunió a sus legados para decirles lo que deseaba

Tom and Mary wished they hadn't asked John to teach them how to do that.

Tom y Mary desearon no haberle pedido a John que les enseñara a hacer eso.

Of course Darwin, like many of his contemporaries, wished to be seen as following the Newtonian method.

Por supuesto que Darwin, como muchos de sus contemporáneos, deseaba ser visto como alguien que seguía el método Newtoniano.

Tom wished he had had the courage to jump into the river and save the baby that had fallen in.

Tom desearía haber tenido el valor de saltar al río y salvar al bebé que se había caído.

- "Funny," said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever. "That was your first wish."
- "How very amusing!" said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared for ever. "You wished the same for your first wish."

- Qué gracioso, -dijo la anciana mientras le concedía su deseo y desaparecía para siempre- ése fue tu primer deseo.