Translation of "Toilets" in Spanish

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Toilets" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Where are the toilets?

- ¿Dónde están los servicios?
- ¿Dónde están los baños?

We've just cleaned the toilets.

Hemos acabado de limpiar los baños.

How many toilets does your building have?

¿Cuántos aseos tiene tu edificio?

From office systems to potato peelers to toilets.

desde sistemas de oficina hasta peladores de papa y retretes.

Right, cell phones with toilets for old men.

Claro: Celular para viejos, con baño.

Early in the morning, when the station toilets were opened,

Temprano en la mañana, cuando se abrieron los baños de la estación,

Thunderstorms, broken toilets and problems with the luggage flap kept

Las tormentas eléctricas, los inodoros rotos y los problemas con la tapa del equipaje mantuvieron a

The toilets have to work. Otherwise they are not allowed to start.

Los baños tienen que funcionar. De lo contrario, no se les permite comenzar.

- The toilet is behind the staircase.
- The toilets are behind the stairs.

El baño se encuentra detrás de las escaleras.

I mean I was known as the queen of toilets, that was a compliment!

Digo, yo era conocida como la reina de los retretes, ¡eso era un cumplido!

- Where is the bathroom?
- Where's the restroom?
- Where is the toilet?
- Where's the toilet?
- Where's the washroom?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where's the loo?

¿Dónde está el baño?

- Where is the bathroom?
- Where's the restroom?
- Where is the toilet?
- Where's the toilet?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Where are the restrooms?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where is the restroom?
- Where's the loo?

- ¿Dónde están los servicios?
- ¿Dónde está el excusado?

- Where is the bathroom?
- Where is the toilet?
- Where's the toilet?
- Where's the bathroom?
- Where are the toilets?
- Where is the restroom?
- Where's the loo?
- Where is a toilet?
- Where's the ladies' room?

¿Dónde está el tocador?