Translation of "Does" in Spanish

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Does" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

"Who does this, who does that?"

"¿Quién hace esto, quién hace aquello?"

- Does it work?
- Does that work?

- ¿Funciona?
- ¿Funciona eso?

- Everybody does that.
- Everyone does that.

Todo el mundo lo hace.

- Does he exist?
- Does she exist?

¿Ella existe?

- Does it work?
- Does he work?
- Does he have a job?

- ¿Él trabaja?
- ¿Él tiene trabajo?

- What does it mean?
- What does this mean?
- What does that mean?
- What does this say?

¿Qué significa eso?

- When he does something, he does it well.
- When she does something, she does it well.

Cuando hace algo, lo hace bien.

"Does she play tennis?" "Yes, she does."

"¿Ella juega tenis?" "Sí."

"Does he like music?" "Yes, he does."

«¿A él le gusta la música?» «Sí.»

- Nobody does that.
- No one does that.

Nadie hace eso.

Does not sound very coherent, does it?

¿No suena muy coherente, ¿verdad?

"Does it taste good?" "Yes, it does."

"¿Está delicioso?" "Sí, está delicioso."

- Does it bug you?
- Does that trouble you?
- Does it bother you?

¿Eso te molesta?

- "Does he like music?" "Yes, he does."
- "Does he like music?" "Yes."

«¿A él le gusta la música?» «Sí.»

- How does this work?
- How does it work?
- How does that work?

¿Cómo funciona esto?

- Does this hurt?
- Does that hurt?
- Does it hurt when I do that?

¿Eso duele?

- What does this do?
- What does that do?

¿Cuánto es?

- Does he live here?
- Does she live here?

¿Él vive aquí?

- What does "Tatoeba" mean?
- What does TATOEBA mean?

- ¿Qué significa "Tatoeba"?
- ¿Qué significa TATOEBA?

- Where does he work?
- Where does she work?

¿Dónde trabaja?

- Does he work?
- Does he have a job?

¿Él trabaja?

- What does it mean?
- What does that mean?

- ¿Qué significa?
- ¿Cuál es el significado de eso?
- ¿Cuál es su significado?

- Does your mother know?
- Does your mom know?

- ¿Tu madre sabe?
- ¿Tu mamá sabe?

- Almost everybody does that.
- Almost everyone does that.

Casi todo el mundo hace eso.

- What does it mean?
- What does this say?

¿Qué significa?

- How does this work?
- How does that work?

- ¿Cómo funciona eso?
- ¿Cómo funciona esto?
- ¿Qué tal funciona esto?
- ¿Cómo va esto?
- ¿Cómo se usa esto?
- ¿Cómo se utiliza esto?

- He does not smoke.
- She does not smoke.

- No fuma.
- Él no fuma.
- Ella no fuma.

- Does anyone live here?
- Does anybody live here?

- ¿Vive alguien aquí?
- ¿Aquí vive alguien?

- What does she do?
- What does she make?

¿Qué hace?

- Does she have money?
- Does he have money?

¿Tiene dinero?

When she does something, she does it well.

Cuando hace algo, lo hace bien.

- Does Tom know this?
- Does Tom know about this?
- Does Tom know about it?
- Does Tom know about that?

- ¿Sabe Tom de eso?
- ¿Tom sabe de esto?

- What does "Tatoeba" mean?
- What does TATOEBA mean?
- What does the word "Tatoeba" mean?

- ¿Qué significa "Tatoeba"?
- ¿Qué significa TATOEBA?
- ¿Qué significa la palabra "Tatoeba"?

- Does Tom know this?
- Does Tom know about this?
- Does Tom know about it?

¿Sabe Tom de eso?

Who does that?

¿Quién hace eso?

"Does this matter?"

"¿Importa esto?"

Does it exist?

¿Existe realmente?

Yes, it does.

Sí, por supuesto.

does not work.

eso no servirá.

does not seem

no parece

But Facebook does.

Pero Facebook sí.

Does truth matter?

- ¿Importa la verdad?
- ¿La verdad importa?

Does this hurt?

¿Eso duele?

Does everybody understand?

- ¿Lo entiende todo el mundo?
- ¿Todos entienden?

Size does matter.

El tamaño sí importa.

Does it hurt?


Does love exist?

¿El amor existe?

Does it show?

¿Eso se nota?

Does Tom know?

¿Lo sabe Tom?

That does it.

Es el colmo.

Does she sing?

¿Ella canta?

Does that work?

¿Eso funciona?

Does this fit?

- ¿Esto viene bien?
- ¿Esta viene bien?
- ¿Este viene bien?

So she does.

Entonces ella lo hace.

Does that count?

¿Eso vale?

Does he work?

¿Él trabaja?

Tom does that.

Tom lo hace.

Does that help?

¿Ayuda esto?

Does she exist?

- ¿Ella existe?
- ¿Existe?

Does that hurt?

¿Te duele?

Tom does drugs.

- Tom se droga.
- Tom consume drogas.

- What time does it start?
- When does that start?

¿A qué horas empieza?

No matter what he does, he does it well.

No importa lo que él haga, él lo hace bien.

- Does it taste okay?
- What does that taste like?

¿Qué tal el sabor?

The one who does not work, does not eat!

¡El que no trabaja, no come!

- Does she play the piano?
- Does she play piano?

- ¿Toca ella el piano?
- ¿Ella toca el piano?
- ¿Toca el piano?

History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

La historia no se repite, pero rima.

- Does it work?
- Does that work?
- Is it working?


- How much does that cost?
- What does that cost?

¿Cuánto cuesta eso?