Translation of "Thanking" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Thanking" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Thanking you in anticipation.

Agradeciéndole con anticipación.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"¿Por qué me das las gracias?"

May I begin by thanking every one for your warm welcome?

Permítanme comenzar agradeciéndoles a todos por su cálida bienvenida.

- Thank you in advance.
- Thanks in advance.
- Thanking you in advance.

Te agradezco de antemano.

- Thank you in advance.
- Thanking you in anticipation.
- Thanks in advance.

Agradeciéndole con anticipación.

More beautiful than the instructor is the friend. More beautiful than learning is thanking.

Más bello que el instructor es el amigo. Más hermoso que aprender es agradecer.

The most frustrating thing that can happen to you, on Tatoeba, is to report a mistake to somebody, and that not only they don't correct it, but they create the variant with the correction that you suggested...without thanking you.

Lo más frustrante que te puede pasar en Tatoeba es que le señales un error a alguien y que no solo no lo corrija, sino que cree la variante con la corrección que sugeriste... sin agradecértelo.