Translation of "Swarm" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Swarm" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

A swarm of mosquitoes followed him.

Una nube de zancudos lo seguía.

A swarm of hornets attacked the children.

Un enjambre de avispones atacó a los niños.

A swarm of wasps attacked the children.

Un enjambre de avispas atacó a los niños.

A swarm of bees attacked us without mercy.

Un enjambre de abejas nos atacaron sin piedad.

On the other side, you've got a swarm of organizations

Y enfrente tienen a todo una plétora de organizaciones,

So we built 10 of those. It's a small swarm.

Construimos 10 robots. Es un pequeño enjambre.

And the Lord did so. And there came a very grievous swarm of flies into the houses of Pharaoh and of his servants, and into all the land of Egypt: and the land was corrupted by this kind of flies.

Así lo hizo Yahvé. Un enjambre enorme de tábanos vino sobre la casa del faraón y las casas de sus siervos y sobre el país de Egipto; los tábanos devastaron todo el país.

Commentators have variously described the sound of vuvuzelas as "annoying" and "satanic" and compared it with "a stampede of noisy elephants", "a deafening swarm of locusts", "a goat on the way to slaughter", "a giant hive full of very angry bees", and "a duck on speed".

Los comentaristas han descrito el sonido de las vuvuzelas como "molesto" y "satánico", y lo han comparado con "una estampida de elefantes ruidosos", "una plaga ensordecedora de langostas", "una cabra camino del matadero", "una colmena gigante llena de abejas muy furiosas" y "un pato drogado con anfetas".