Translation of "Swallow" in Spanish

0.204 sec.

Examples of using "Swallow" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Swallow it!


I can't even swallow.

No puedo ni tragar.

- One swallow does not make a spring.
- One swallow does not a spring make.
- One swallow doesn't make a spring.

Una golondrina sola no hace verano.

You must swallow the pill.

Tenés que tragar el comprimido.

Swallow it. Don't chew it.

Tráguelo, no lo mastique.

Don't swallow these chemical products.

No ingieras estos productos químicos.

- One swallow does not make a spring.
- One swallow doesn't make a spring.

Una golondrina no hace primavera.

- One swallow does not make a spring.
- One swallow does not a spring make.
- It takes more than one swallow to make a summer.
- One swallow does not a summer make.
- One swallow doesn't make a spring.

Una golondrina sola no hace verano.

We could not swallow his story.

No nos pudimos tragar su historia.

My throat hurts when I swallow.

Me duele la garganta al tragar.

The medicine is hard to swallow.

Es difícil tragar el medicamento.

You need to swallow your pride.

Tenés que tragarte tu orgullo.

- One swallow does not make a spring.
- One swallow does not a spring make.
- It takes more than one swallow to make a summer.

- Una golondrina no hace primavera.
- Una golondrina sola no hace verano.

One swallow does not make a summer.

- Una golondrina sola no hace verano.
- Una golondrina no hace verano.

One swallow does not make a spring.

Una golondrina no hace primavera.

My throat really hurts when I swallow.

Me duele mucho la garganta al tragar.

Would you like to swallow a bullet?

¿Te gustaría tragarte una bala?

And changes are difficult to swallow by people.

Y los cambios son difíciles de tragar para las personas.

You mustn't swallow unreliable information that's on the Web.

No tienes por qué tragarte la información dudosa que hay en la red.

You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.

Cuelan un mosquito y tragan un camello.

We learned to bite our tongues and swallow our pride.

aprendimos a mordernos la lengua y tragarnos el orgullo.

I can't swallow these tablets without a drink of water.

No puedo tragar estas pastillas sin un vaso de agua.

You must swallow pills, not chew them in your mouth.

Las pastillas se tragan, no se apachurran en la boca.

You have to chew the food before you swallow it.

Tienes que masticar la comida antes de tragarla.

Don't let a swallow build a nest under your roof.

No permitas que una golondrina haga su nido bajo tu tejado.

Now, I'm not saying that was not a hard pill to swallow,

No digo que fuese fácil asumirlo,

If I don't drink a swig of water, I can't swallow these tablets.

Si no tomo un sorbo de agua no puedo tragar estas pastillas.

So you need such a mass of water that it will swallow the city

entonces necesitas tanta masa de agua que se trague la ciudad

- When you swallow a dangerous substance, what you need to do depends on what you swallowed.
- If you swallow a dangerous substance, it depends on the substance which measures need to be taken.

Cuando alguien se ha tragado un objeto peligroso, dependerá del tipo de objeto la medida a tomar.

It says here in the book: "Snakes swallow their prey without chewing before going to sleep".

Se dice en el libro: "Las serpientes se tragan a sus presas sin masticar y luego se duermen".

It was said in the book: "Snakes swallow their prey without chewing; and then they go to sleep."

Se dice en el libro: "Las serpientes se tragan a sus presas sin masticar y luego se duermen".