Translation of "Skeletons" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Skeletons" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Tom found some skeletons in the cupboard when he was researching his family history.

Tom encontró varios secretos embarazosos cuando estaba investigando su historia familiar.

You're as loud as two skeletons having sex on top of a tin roof.

Eres tan ruidoso como dos esqueletos teniendo relaciones sexuales en un tejado de cinc.

All the skeletons had been beheaded, and analysis showed they were all male, they were mostly

Todos los esqueletos habían sido decapitados y el análisis mostró que todos eran hombres, en su mayoría

They were digging for a new road and they came upon a pile of skeletons, about 50 odd,

estaban cavando para una nueva carretera y se encontraron con una pila de esqueletos, unos 50