Translation of "She'll" in Spanish

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "She'll" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

She'll come here.

Ella vendrá aquí.

She'll see herself.

Se va a ver.

She'll die soon.

Ella morirá pronto.

Shhh, she'll hear you!

¡Shhh, dije que nos iba a escuchar!

I think she'll succeed.

Creo que él triunfará.

She'll be back soon.

Ella va a volver pronto.

She'll get married soon.

Se casará pronto.

She'll love him forever.

Ella lo amará por siempre.

She'll make a good wife.

Pienso que se convertirá en una buena esposa.

She'll try it once more.

Seguramente ella lo intentará otra vez.

She'll lend you a book.

Ella te va a prestar un libro.

She'll be safe with me.

Ella estará a salvo conmigo.

It's likely that she'll succeed.

Es probable que ella tenga éxito.

She'll be seventeen in February.

Ella tendrá diecisiete años en febrero.

I'm sure she'll leave early.

Estoy seguro de que se irá temprano.

She'll love her husband forever.

Ella amará a su esposo para siempre.

Mary says she'll come tomorrow.

María dice que vendrá mañana.

- I hope that she'll get well soon.
- I hope that she'll get better soon.

Espero que ella mejore pronto.

She'll be getting married next year.

Ella se casará el año próximo.

She'll have to wait for him.

Ella tendrá que esperarlo.

There's a possibility that she'll succeed.

Hay una posibilidad de que ella tenga éxito.

Unfortunately, I don't believe she'll succeed.

Desafortunadamente, no creo que ella tenga éxito.

I don't know when she'll come.

No sé cuándo podrá venir.

She'll do it in 24 hours.

Lo hará en 24 horas.

She'll come at quarter past three.

Ella vendrá a las tres y cuarto.

She promised she'll do that tomorrow.

Prometió que lo haría mañana.

- She will never forget that day.
- She'll never forget that day.
- She'll never forget this day.

Ella nunca olvidará ese día.

Marry her, and she'll be his person.

se casará con ella y será la elegida.

She'll have to look further into town.

Tendrá que adentrarse más.

She'll have left before you come back.

Ella se habrá ido antes de que tú regreses.

They say that she'll get married soon.

Dicen que ella va a casarse pronto.

I hope that she'll get well soon.

Espero que ella mejore pronto.

There's no way she'll ever marry Sato.

No hay manera de que ella se case con Sato.

I hope that she'll get better soon.

Espero que ella mejore pronto.

She'll go in for the beauty contest.

Ella tiene la intención de participar en un concurso de belleza.

She'll ask him not to do that.

Le pedirá no hacerlo.

She'll write a letter to him tonight.

Ella le escribirá una carta esta noche.

I have a feeling that she'll come today.

Tengo la impresión de que ella vendrá hoy.

She'll wait until you climb off the tree.

Ella va a esperar hasta que te bajes del árbol.

She'll be glad to see you, won't she?

Verte le hará feliz, ¿verdad?

Yes, she'll be with you in a minute.

Sí, ella estará contigo en unos minutos.

She'll give her photo to whoever wants it.

Dará su foto a quien la quiera.

"Do you think she'll come?" "I hope not."

«¿Crees que ella vendrá?» «Espero que no.»

I don't think she'll be back before five.

No creo que ella vuelva antes de las cinco.

I'm sure she'll get over her illness soon.

Estoy seguro de que ella se recuperará de su enfermedad pronto.

She'll spend the next four years in prison.

Ella va a pasar los próximos cuatro años en prisión.

She claims that she'll start the report tomorrow.

Ella afirma que mañana empezará el informe.

And she'll never walk down Lime Street anymore.

La pobre Magi nunca más va a poder caminar por la calle Lime en lo absoluto.

She'll never allow him to do that again.

Ella nunca le permitirá hacer eso de nuevo.

- She has decided that she'll do that.
- He has decided he'll do that.
- She has decided she'll do that.

Ha decidido que lo hará.

She'll be staying at the Royal Hotel next Tuesday.

- Ella se hospedará en el hotel Royal el próximo martes.
- Ella se quedará en el hotel Royal el próximo martes.

By the time you get back, she'll have left.

Para cuando vuelvas, ella ya se habrá ido.

- She will never forgive me.
- She'll never forgive me.

Ella no me perdonará nunca.

When she's an adult, she'll be a famous pianist.

Cuando ella sea adulta, será una famosa pianista.

Someday she'll have to pay for what she's done.

Algún día ella tendrá que pagar por lo que ha hecho.

I wonder if she'll accept a belated birthday present.

Me pregunto si ella aceptará un regalo de cumpleaños retrasado.

She's so gullible she'll believe anything you tell her.

Ella es tan crédula que creerá cualquier cosa que le digas.

She'll tell him about it when she comes back.

Ella le hablará al respecto cuando regrese.

She'll come even if you tell her not to.

Ella vendrá incluso si le dices que no lo haga.

- She says she will come.
- She says she'll come.

- Ella dice que vendrá.
- Dice que vendrá.

- I'm sorry, but I'm not confident of her success.
- Unfortunately, I don't believe she'll succeed.
- Unfortunately, I'm not sure she'll succeed.

Desafortunadamente, no creo que ella tenga éxito.

She'll become deeply connected to the rhythm of the ocean...

se conectará profundamente con el ritmo del océano,

- It is probable that she will come.
- She'll probably come.

Ella probablemente vendrá.

If she gets some antibiotics and sleeps, she'll get better.

Si toma algunos antibióticos y duerme, ella se encontrará mejor.

- I'm sure he'll leave early.
- I'm sure she'll leave early.

Estoy seguro de que se irá temprano.

She'll be having dinner with him at this time tomorrow.

Ella cenará con él a esta hora mañana.

I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years.

Me pregunto si ella me reconocerá después de todos estos años.

Go talk to Jane. She'll back up everything I've said.

Ve a hablar con Jane, ella corroborará todo lo que he dicho.

- He'll be seventeen in February.
- She'll be seventeen in February.

Cumplirá diecisiete en febrero.

If you say that to your mother, she'll kill you!

¡Si le dices eso a tu madre te va a matar!

Mary hopes she'll get a chance to do that again.

Mary espera tener la oportunidad de hacerlo otra vez.